Cheese Types and Prices
Spicy Juppie Cheese 150 NP
Smoked Snorkle Cheese 300 NP
Triple Mustard Cheese 400 NP
Honey Cheese 600 NP
Big Beefy Cheese 750 NP
Purple Spotted Cheese 900 NP
Brain Cheese 1,050 NP
Alkenore Cheese 1,200 NP
Mutated Cheese 1,350 NP
Bubbling Blueberry Cheese 1,500 NP
Tyrannian Dung Cheese 1,650 NP
Quadruple Fudge Cheese 1,800 NP
This is a secret that may sumtimes work. It is NOT guaranteed.
Buy a Quadruple Fudge Cheese and dive left the whole time. You will finish underneath a minute and can keep the cheese with a 900-1200 NP bonus!