answers:There are several levels of this game: easy, medium, and hard. You can play on any of the levels, but these solutions will help you with each game!
1. A buzz will never sting you
2. A chia who is a mocker dances without a tamborine
3. A miss is a good as a mister
4. A neopoint saved is a neopoint not enough
5. A Scorchio is a good storyteller if it can make a Skeith listen
6. All roads lead to neopia
7. An air of mystery surrounds the acara
8. An idle mind is the best way to relax
9. An iron rod bends while it is hot
10. Ask a lot of questions but only take what is offered
11. Become a BattleDome master by training on the Mystery Island
12. Be nice to Shoyrus or else
13. Be sure to visit the Neggery for some great magical neggs
14. Better late then never
15. Bouncing around on its tail the blumaroo is quite happy
16. Bruce could talk under cement with a mouthful of marbles
17. By all means trust in neopia but tie your camel first
18. Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the kau
19. Chias are lovable little characters who are full of joy
20. Doctor Sloth tried to mutate neopets but failed
21. Do not bathe if there is no water
22. Do not be greedy and buy every single food item from the shops
23. Do not open a shop if you cannot smile
24. Do not speak of an elephante if there is no tree nearby
25. Do not think there are no jetsams if the water is calm
26. Every buzz is a kau in the eyes of its mother
27. Expierence is the comb nature gives us when we are bald
28. Faeries bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge
29. Fuzios wear the coolest red shoes
30. Grarrls are ferocious creatures or at least they try to be
31. Have you told your friends about the greatest site on earth
32. Have you trained your pet for the Battledome
33. If at first you do not succeed try the ice caves puzzle again
34. If you go too slow try to keep your worms in a tin
35. If you live with lupes you will learn to howl
36. If you see a man riding a wooden stick ask him why
37. If you want to have lots of adventures then adopt a wocky
38. If your totem is made of wax do not walk in the sun
39. Jetsams are the meanest Neopets to ever swim the Neopian sea
40. Jubjubs defend themselves with their deafening screech
41. Kaus love to sing although they only know a single note
42. Keep your broken toys clean
43. Korbats are creatures of the night
44. Let every zafara take care of it's own tail
45. Love your neopet but do not hut it too much
46. Never underestimate the power of streaky bacon
47. No news is impossible
48. Oh where is the tooth faerie when you need her
49. Only ask of the Queen Faerie what you really need
50. Poogles have extremely sharp teeth and they are cuddly
51. Quiggles spend all day splashing around in the pool at the neolodge
52. Scratch my back and i will scratch yours
53. Skeiths are strong but very lazy
54. Super Glue is forever
55. The Alien Aisha Vending Machine serves great good
56. The best thing to spend on your neopet is time
57. The Bruce is from Snowy Valley High School
58. The Neopian Hospital will help get your pet on the road to recovery
59. The pen is mightier than the pencil
60. The pound is not the place to keep streaky bacon
61. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
62. The sunken city of Maraqua has some great hidden treasures
63. The whisper of a acara can be heard further than the roar of a wocky
64. To know and to act are one and the same
65. Treat your usul well and it will be useful
66. You cannot teach a grarrl mathematics
67. You cannot wake a Bruce who is pretending to be asleep
68. You know the soup kitchen is a great place to go
69. You know your can create a free homepage for your pet
70. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on
71. We never know the worth of items till the wishing well is dry
72. When an Elephante is in trouble even a Nimmo will kick him
73. When eating a radioactive negg remember the pet who planted it
74. When the blind lead the blind get out of the way
75. When there is smoke there is pollution
76. With the right training Tuskaninnys can become quite fearsome fighters
77. Under a tattered cloak you will generally find doctor sloth