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cool people here!

hey do you like my new layout!!!??? Aren't starz just the best :-) ??!!. Well i personally love stars so yea....I have no idea where i got the idea (lmao) Confusing you say? yea i no. It is almost Christmas!! (not really) I am just telling myself that lol. I can't wait for christmas break. How long do you get off anyway?? I forget :-\. *yawn* I am kinda bored and dont have very much to blog about.
AIM: midnightmagiccom
Rachel Spoke at 9:44 am!!! 11/8/02
hey I am soo sry I like havent updated in soo long. School has kept me soo busy and plus basketball, swimming and panio. I am super busy and have no time. It was just soo much easier in the summer to keep up with this. AND it does not help to have a laptop with all my files any everything that doesn't even work!! I just got it in March...I guess i used it tooo much lol. I think that I am probably gonna go on some haitus (speeled that wrong it bet lol) soon. Welli tries to make a new layout what was it 2 weeks ago??Well thenmy laptop lost power. See that is my laptop's problemit cant keep power and sometimes it doesn't even work with the plug in it. Well my content is STILL wonderful and has more great stuff too!! So check it all out and see what there is 4 u!! lol I sound really stupid but really my site isnt that bad the content is really good and usually i have really good layouts but u see I cant even make layouts anymore. Maybe soon..... Well anyway. Bye
hey! I am in a pretty good mood so I am gonna do a pretty long blog. I am soo sorry for that total lack of blogging. I am not even allowed on the computer on the weekdays so thatonly leaves the weekends but me to update. And as most of you probably know my laptop is being evil so i have no paint shop pro and cant make and new layouts. I wanted to feature a site that I go to all that time which, Habbo Hotel. It is linked on my last blog and I am too lazy to put it up so0o0o if you are that interested then look below. Sarah and Anne have joined the Habbo Family! And i think some other people i know o right, Katy and Nicole too! Habbo is so fun and you defintely need to try it out! For those of you who do do it listen to this, I have rites to 7 places and I have 8 furni! Ain't that awesome! I am pretty happy w/ myself! Thats it for Habbo moving on....
Right now I am watching a Tennessee football game and Tennesse it winning :) But they really need to score b/c they are supposed to beat this team by 40+ points! They are no were closed to that :( If you like my site cheer for my team and try to get up with me on how they are doing! Seeing if I have anyone out there that actually thinks my site is worth taking up the web space it does lol, which isnt much! But still some people may think that my site is terrible and they dont want to see it ever again b/c it is such a disgrace and and and i cant continue b/c no one would ever think that! J/K I am postive that some one out there is thinking that right now....... Ok the question is why is she in such a good mood? Well I would say that is because I won the mile run at school and am going to go compete againist the other people in the city who were the best in there school! WHoops did i say school i meant grade, i think...J/K I have been to these things many many times before so i now how it works. SInce I dont have a cam I think it is time you get and image of me inside your head! I am tall and very skinny. When i was younger people called me 'Daddy Long legs' and 'toothpick'. I am pretty popular but at my school there doesn't seem to be a most popular girl. I have blondish hair that is a little passed my shoulders. It is straight straight and straight hair! Not that thats a bad thing but i dont nessarly think it is a good thing either. Anyway I am getting carried away! Why am i telling you this is should be under the me section for goodness sake. I bet i will update tomorrow or you know maybe even tonight! I will defintely update you on the score and stuff many mutiple times tonight. But for right now bye

Not in the mood to really blog. Just got back from a pig picking thing. The food was good hehe! Sarah has joined the habbo hotel family! umm I am thinking about making the layout on my computer upstairs. That's it. Bye
I havent updated in so0o0o long. I am so busy with school and I like playing Habbo Hotel. My and Brigitte always go on together! We have rites for the same rooms because we give them to each other, I bet you are like what? Well if you go to Habbo Hotel you will know what I am talking about! It is soooo much fun! Much better than Neopets. Compare to Habbo Hotel Neopets is super boring. Anne has a new layout and home. She finally got hosted. Brigitte also has a new layout. It is really cool! Sadly Kimmy is on a hiatus. And the last peice of news if my laptop is broken. Argh me dad is sending it back, it is only a few months old. It is by Toshiba. I guess I used it soo much and stuff. I still have plenty of computer left to go on but none of them w/my Paint Shop Pro stuff on it. I really wanna make a new layout but I cant with no paint shop pro. I think that me next theme is going to be Habbo Hotel. I am gonna go get some graphics from it so bye!

Omg for once in like a year I havent thought about my web friends, what they think about me/my site, Does it sux/the layout, Do I need a new one?/all that other stuff!! If you haven't noticed I am back at school, just to let you know there is defintely not going to be a back to school layout because back to school just doesn't deserve a layout. I am really happy cause it is labor day weekend!! i really need it god I have to much homework it is unbielveable. UH well I think I am gonna add lyrics to my content page. Anyways c ya

ok i blogged twice and both blogs got deleted ahh that suxs. You have to bare with this one. Please go vote for me @ Apple Core Awards My site name is Sparkle Angel 29 on that thing. (I plugged it right to the voting thing. If you vote for me and tell me you did in the gbook I will make you a blinkie OR plug you 40 times. And I will link you on a people who voted for me page too. (this offer comes with the plug your 40 times package) BUT I will find out if I have more votes and if I dont and you said you voted for me SORRY but I am not making you a blinkie or doing the link package. But If you really do vote for me I'll be happy happy happy!! School has started now and O crap I have a test tomorrow better go study Bye-Bye

heyo heyo!! Nobody is joining my elite clique :( I am soo sad. LMAO i still have members I need to add. Way to lazy I am soo sorry or not adding you yet Jen I need to plug you 10 times ok Ready Set GO......Jen Jen Jen Jen 8/6/02
Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen. OK that is 10. I think. Ok now i need to plug my elite clique. Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial Magicial. OK now go visit Kimmy cause she has a new layout. Sorry Kimmy I am too lazy to plug you 10 times. Hope you dont mind. I meean with Kimmy you never know LMAO!! OK I think that is it hmm o yeah Anne has a new layout. She applied to get hosted at digitial-duckie.net. haha i guess i aint gonna host her after all!! hahahahahaha lol I am really hyper. I just had an ice cream cone it was yummy yummy yummy!! hehehehe hahahha RAWR RAWR RAW WHEE WHEE WHEE haha to Kimmy OK yall if you wanna im me im me @ SparkleAngrl29. ok, but one rule here please dont add me to your list unless you know who you are adding and know you well remember who you added cause it really gets in my nerves when people im me and say Who are you?? You are on my buddy list and I dont know who you are. RAWR I hate that. O the ocean was calm and had some good waves today. I also found this awesome lime green string bikini at Waves this morning!! I fell inlove with it as soon as I saw it!!! I also met a friend at the beach today. haha i was pretty happy. I get lonely since i no no one here lol. Her name is Kathren. O yeah one more thing I want you to go check out Jill. She made up this new kind of link called screen caps. You gotta go check it out!! hehe sorry Jill i am tooo lazy to make one. O wait i dont think i can id ont have psp on this computer. I have paint though. Maybe ill do it if I have any real spare time. I have to put time into my schedule to blog!! lol!! Ok well thats enough blogging for one day. arent your eyes staring to hurt and water?? lol well if you made it this far down into my blog I'll link you if you say "sweet pretty bloggy" in the guestbook. Copying and paste it for all I care. haha also if you have any tutorial that you wanna see on my site please sign the guestbook and tell me what tutorial it is. OK well bye-bye
[Plug][Plug][Plug][Plug] hey!!! I have a new bob!!! Kimmy!. She is really awesome and so is her site!! This is my second bob. my first bob (is was) Anne. Who has a new layout by the way. It is defintely her best ever. The ocean was a whole lot calmer and more fun. I think it was a little too calm lol. More Wind is needed!!! Well unbelively thats all i have to say. Tonight I am going to the arcade with my neighbor who is my age. (!!!)
Hey!! I went to the ocean this afternoon. The waves were really rough for some reason. I got like 10 cuts. No joke. I got a pretty deep one on my hand. Ahh it hurts really bad. After I got back and took a shower my family and i went out to dinner. We went to this seafood buffet which had really good chocolate pudding and steak. lol 'what about seafood?'. OOO yea there was good seafood too. But the chocolate pudding rox my sox off. After dinner we went to the town super track. Is it self explainitory?? If not to bad. I raced twice and got like 10 out of 18 the first time and 1st out of 18!! I was really happy!!! Both times i got 20 cause it was really fast!! When I got back I just headed for the computer!! Well to the web stuff Me Anne and Sarah are friends again (I think) We are Anna, Lana, and Fontana. Have ever ever seen the Princess Diaries?? If you have you got to remember the popular people Anne, Lana, an fontana right?? I am Fontana, Sarah is Anna, and Anne is Lana. Anne refused to be Anna. I wanted to be Lana cause that is an awesome name. But when they decided I wasnt there. They were still talking at 2:00 at the morning. Well I think that it about it ttyl
[Plug] [Plug] [Plug] 8/5/02
Hey!! I am at my beach house at the moment!!! I got here yesturday afternoon. As soon as we arrived I went the the storage room grabbed a float and ran to our backyard dock, hopped in the water and started tanning lol. I am really wanting to get a really good tan while I am here. I think I am gonna make a new layout. I know what your thinking "but you just got this one yesturday" yea yea but its ugly. ahh god I am sooo fed up with people. Except for katy and liz. I MISS YOU SOOO MUCH KATY. We have only been apart for one day and I already miss her sooo much. She is like my best friend forever!!! God I sound like a little kid but I cant believe how much i miss my friends. Well anyway back to the fes up thing. I am even fed up with Sarah. I feel like everyone just wants me to leave them alone. They want me to bug off but dont wanna tell me. Expecially Anne. I have been made at her soo many times. I am not sure I want to be bobs anymore. I may ask Kimmy or Brigitte. Kimmy and me get along great. We had a inside joke on the first day we met!! I think Sarah and Anne really click so I think I need to more my out of their way. hmm Well I am gonna tell Anne to read this. I am not trying to tell her i dont wanna be bobs i just want here to know how i feel. I feel like a back up friend. Thats why i miss all of my friends back at home. Katy, Liz, Adrianne, Roxianne, Kim, Shannon, Laura. NOT NICOLE. lol. You dont understand. I never blogged about that story. My private private life is really not to be put out onto the web for every single person to see. I think you know what I mean. Well going back to surfing bye bye

Early (very early) (lol)
hey!! You may be reading this when my new layout is up. I know the image looks really bad but deal with it. Cause that was uploaded with ftp. Trying uploading it on a free server and omg that would love awful. yuck. Well I would like to Plug Sarah cause she is sick at the moment and I ant her better!! Go sign my gbook and maybe she well fell better!! hehe!! Well 1 one day until I go to the beach!! I am really excited!! I need this vacation bad!!! Ok well I am gonna go to bed cause I am really really tried bye-bye
[XO] 8/2/02
I wanna change the layout but I have no ideas for the next layout. I have made one but dont like it all that much. I think I am gonna make a pop up but I am not sure. O by the way I am going on a one week vacation starting on Sunday. We are going to our beach house. But lucky me i get to take my laptop!! So I will be updating!!! I might even change my layout while I am away. But I am only gonna be on during the night like from 9pm-11:30pm. I downloaded like 10 fonts tonight. Ill show you soon!!!
[XX] 7/29/02
heyo heyo!! My elite clique is done and it is hosted but i have not quite moved into it. The url is going to be http://silvercpu.com/magicial It is hosted by Lissy. Well I am going on vaction on sunday so... that means no updates for a week. hehehe. I am really excited and dont really care about my site at the moment. But all my summer sports and stuff are over and all of my friends are on vaction. O Wait Katy comes back Thursday!! YAY!! Adi doesnt come back till sunday and thats when i leave. I am not sure when Roxanne is coming back or Laura. And the Liz is probably coming back on Saturday. Well whatever. OMG when I come back I have to go to school the next day. Uh Yuck I am defintely not ready to go back to school. Well g2g bye-bye
I am making a elite clique. I am right in the middle at the moment but by the time you are ready this is might be done so go check it out @ http://angelfire.com/super2/magicial I really want it hosted so if you are interested please email me!! Sarah is making me a fan sign :) It is going to be my very first I am really excited but you no i need more!!! So please make me some!!! OOO here it is Thank you Sarah!!!!
Hey!! Like my layout!!! It is Version One of my domain!! I worked my butt off today. I had to make this layout in psp and make all the pages..content page, cliques page, link me, tagboard, so on and then I had to add that css trick cause i didnt have it yet. I also added to new tutorials which took me like 5 minutes total. I added Css Trick and Screen Shots