TSgt Charles W. Jones II

My father, then T/Sgt., M/Sgt. (ret.) Charles W. Jones, Jr. was on the advance team for the 819th when they built Phu Cat. My father passed away in March, 99; he died from cancer. He was very proud of the 819th and his military friends. And, I am very proud of him. In fact, I still have and will always cherish the 819th Sqd. patch along with an 820th hat my father once gave me.

One month before my father died, The Texas House of Representatives passed a resolution (HR 76) honoring him. My father was very embarrassed, because in his eyes, he was a simple electrician that never made more than 33,000 a year. But, he was my hero. Because he always tried to help others: in church, at work, and where they lived. He did not do it for public recognition; which until this resolution, he never received. He did it, because it was the right thing to do.

All this publicity gave me a chance to tell the public my definition of a true hero. "True heroes are men like you, the 819th, who gave their best for virtually no monetary compensation and recognition."

I, therefore, consider each of you heroes. You did your jobs with pride and honor, quietly without seeking praise or money. Our country was built upon such sacrifice.

P.S. Please submit my e-mail address to anyone in the 819th that knew my father. I was 7, when he went to Nam. Because it would be great, hearing first hand from his friends and fellow comrades, the men of this elite and distinguish group, the 819th 66-67 REDHORSE. Sincerely, Charles W. Jones III e-mail:bats62@yahoo.com