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Below are my results from quizzes taken on QUIZILLA.COM. Check them out and then to them yourself at the link below each image.

What is your animal personality?
You are a Horse.

What Is Your Animal Personality?
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Which celebrity would you most likely end up killing?
You wanna kill Avril!!!!
Avril Lavigne, she's a disgrace to your kind.

What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?
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Which sign of affection are you?
holding hands
Hand Holding - you like to be in constant physical contact with your special someone but you don't want to take things too quickly.

What Sign of Affection Are You?
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Which stereotypical high-school student are you?

You are the typical feminist, depressed, artist.You go against the crowd and do everything you can to be different. Too bad no-one notices. Try communicating with people, not just looking down on them.

What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
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Which film family are you?
I am The Royal Tenebaums

What movie are you most like?
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Which Harry Potter house do you belong to?

What House Do You Belong To? (Harry Potter)
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Which colour are you?
You are YELLOW! You love to be outside in the sun, are very friendly, and easily make new friends.You are well liked by many people and are usually very happy.

*~*What color best describes you?*~* (now with pictures!!!!)
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Which type of movie are you?

You're the sentimental type and you love to cry.You're too emotional and you make people wanna slap you across the face. Sensitive bitch!!

Which Type Of Movie Are You?
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Which household item are you?
bra 2
You're a bra! You usually stay hidden, but when you're really needed, you come out and help support the team. :)

Which type of household item are you?
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Which weather type are you?

Good job! You're a rain shower! There are many people who don't like you, like people who maybe want to have a picnic, or a sports game outside, but you have good intentions, as long as things don't get out of hand. You’re very helpful, and polite, and you want people to like you, but you've accepted the fact that not everyone will. Look at it this way: Rain=plants=oxygen!!

Which Type Of Weather Condition Are You?
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Which type of bread are you?
Garlic Bread
GARLIC BREAD! You are kule, calm and collective. U have all ur priorities in order and are a #1 hit @ dinner. Sure you stink sometimes, but heated up, and w/ a lil toothbrushin' u'll taste great!

Which Type Of BREAD R U?!
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Which type of person are you?

You are a poser. Boo, you have no life, go pursue something else other than your peers!

Which Type Of Person Are You?
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What's Your Song?

"I will stay with You tonight in case this corset gets too tight and I will keep you company,'Cause that's what a sister should be." Your song is "Sistersong" by Ani Difranco! You're a very loyal friend who always has a shoulder to cry on, or a supportive thing to say. Truly unselfish, you can be relied on for just about anything. Just make sure that others don't take advantage of you.

What's Your Song?
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Which part of the body are you?

Congrats ur the TONGUE,get busy!!!

**************What Part of the body are U?*************
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What do other people see you as?

You are normal, perhaps into sports a little too much but besides that, normal.

What do other people see you as?
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Which aspect of Orlando Bloom are you?

Your Orli's Sweetness! Awwwwwwwww!

What Aspect of Orlando Bloom Are You?
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Which Ewan McGregor character are you?

Christian! *faints*

Which Ewan Character Are You?
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Which type of villian are you?

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>

What personality disorder do you have?

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Which pattern are you?

What Pattern Are You?

Which planet are you from?

What Planet Are You From?
this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

Which body part are you?
click to take it!

Which room in the house are you?

Hey, don't be ashamed! Some of the world's most profound thinking has been done on the can.
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be?