Hey anyone who reads this. You should go here, read the article, quite good.
Dear Future. Thats all for now. The Robert Files will be fixed someday. Gooday.
New Page:The Robert Files. Took me a couple days to actually say it. But, it will be cool, I swear. I'll be putting up little articles, essays, whatever he feels like writing. He has quite conceited, interest ideas. Make sure and check them out.
Its been a while, hasn't it? I've decided, I should keep working on this site, because its cool. I think I may just start deleting stuff though, because I've grown tired of it all, LOL. Doesn't that just sound like a little kid? I don't care. I think I may throw a tantrum because this isn't easier to update. I think I'm going to make a mascot for my site, just because, a crappy site needs a crappy mascot. I shall start making that. Oh, obvious update, I did this to the news, much easier. Good day to you.
7-14-03 Later
Haha. Its... like an hour later. And I fixed things, yay. I like it. Maroon and yellow are good together. I like it much better, things are a little better.
YOU LOVE IT, you KNOW you do.
I'm going to try and clean this page up, because its ugly, so very ugly.And I'm going to copy off the other site I did for some friends. Yay, I'll have something to do for an hour!
I'm updating ALL of the pages, taking out links that don't work, most anyway. Changed some info, made some things look a little better. Not much was done...but all the pages are changed in some way.
I think thats the right date, maybe not the right month. Oh well. I took off the 'Buds' list, b/c, obviously, its stupid. Just calling people friends who aren't so they won't be angry and stuff... But its gone, fixed. I added a new picture of Sarah, from this year. I realized that there are ones of me in a dress there..I had forgotton. But, their they are. I'm done now.. I like the pop-up on here, so great. Oh! Some pictures of me hogtied will be put up soon, hopefully daddy won't be angry, I love you Daddy!
I think thats the right date...anyway. I have a counter up, just testing it out. And I took the clock out because it served absolutely NO purpose. And ...nope, thats it. Bye,bye.
Haven't updated in a while, probably won't do alot...things are so slow and complicated that their hard to do things to...and if I started over I'd cry because I had no good ideas. Ok. Enough whining...until next time anyway. I put a new joke on the ...I don't know what its called actually.... anyway, its one of the retarded jokes. Thats it, bye,bye,peace,love.
I put up a new pop up thing... From an old health video about LSD, evil paper chickens man! Crazy shit! And someone saw my pretty pictures... in the gallery... which you should look at and send me things to make me feel pretty.
I lost the site that I get the useless facts from,like the one that pops up. Damn computers. Anyway, I took off the useless music things, because that site shut down. Umm, I don't remember... I think thats it. Yeah, thats deffinately it. Chicken grease ma homies.
Ahh, life goes on. Happy Birthday Niki, and Happy Belated Birthday, Sarah. Today, I fixed the backgrounds and menu-like things for like.. 3 pages. I saw my buddies today,and tomorrow I'm going to TRY and finish a big project for english.. wish me luck. Peace,love,bye,bye.
I just realized I had the date wrong on the last one I did.. or did I? Maybe I muraculously went into the future and stuff like that.. Well, I fixed that, and look at the awesome cursur I put up. BLIMH(Big laughs in my head), I laughed my ass off when I saw it. In the future I'm planning on copying all the other people on the internet because I'm very unoriginal. I'm going to put my dektop on here somewhere. Probably link it off a page so I don't have to change ALL the menus.. Grr, Ok, peace,love, bye, bye.
You guys should feel so special.. I've worked on this thing alot..for me, I usually give up on things by now. I'm going to finish fixing the menus and moving the old news to the old news page.. it WILL be done. Peace,love, bye,bye.
A couple days ago, I was trying to fix the menus, because their not the same. Your best bet is to just use the one on the main page, because some of the other ones go to the old site and all kinds of fucked up stuff. So, just wait, maybe this weekend when I have no life I can get it done. Peace,love, bye,bye.
I'm not quite sure what I did today.. oh yeah! I added some drawings I did.. I know what I NEED to do, I need to take some song thingys off, I think I'll go do that now. Toodles.
Today, I changed the thingy that pops up, it says something different. I'm thinking of adding a page with things that only have those..because their funny, and stupid, and take up precious tax dollars.. Oh well. Goodbye,
Well, I decided to do something new, try something new. Thinking about changing the little pop up thing every week or so. AND, I'm adding something to the pages again. So, check it out.I'll update...when homework doesn't need to be done...well, after this time, because some should be done. But..oh well,GOODBYE.