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SuperSite II: Bloginator
Tuesday, 21 March 2006
Entry 87: JVIM... yikes!
Topic: Complete randomness
As you all know, I am a huge fan of Televangelists. I think they are hilarious! Pat Robertson, Kent Hovind, you name it. So this is why I have to post about this guy...

This guy is nuts. I have seen his prgram only once, but it was enough. His name is Jack Van Impe and he and his wife, Rexella appear on an extremely late night weekend TV program called "Jack Van Impe Presents"

They talk about conspiracy, fundamentalism, and Jack spouts Bible verses off hand (or rather off a TV prompter) and they talk crazy.

After watching their program, I called about their latest book, and unfotuately, only got the book company -- not the ministry.

His wife has got to be the biggest bubble-head know to man...

Quote: "We all know Darwin published something in the 1800s."


Anyway, they are so ridiculous, I thought I would post the hilarity here.

Google search him for more info... but otherwise, here are some pictures...

Jack Van Impe at his best...

A book he wrote...

His logo...

Good stuff!

Just Stupid:
JVIM (especially Rexella!)

-Mr. Joseph

Posted by super2/super316 at 2:06 PM CST
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