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Project MODFS TurnAround
Overturn DFS Adoptions
1997 - 2003

This site is for ALL OF OUR children!

The forced DFS adoptions from 1993 until 2003 should be overturned, the investigations reopened, and any parent who never had criminal charges of abuse filed against them should get their children back!

Hi! My name is Rev. Ruth, welcome to my home page.

Please note when I say "Our Government" I am only talking about the one branch that is Social Services. The department of Family Services to be exact. This is not just a problem in MO, it is everywhere! So for the sake of argument, if you see the word "Government" it is only pertaining to the one branch that sorely needs repaired or removed or replanted entirely....
The forest is fine - it's the dead wood that needs removed.

It is my hope this site will inform you and hopefully teach you some of the conflicts we as Americans are facing today with the problems in our court system dealing with Children and their biological families. Most people are unaware of the issues until it strikes too close to home, or in your very own family.

What you won't see besides my opening note, is while I am an ordained Minister, there will be no pietism here. There will be no stressing the emotional and personal aspects of religion here. Most know where I stand on religion and my beliefs. This site is about causes close to me and by my sharing our case stories and information, hopefully, it may be helping even just a few families along the way.
If it can happen to my family, it can happen to yours!

The music is called Turn Around and I chose it as my theme song. Children grow up so fast! One day they are newborns then they are grown. No one should have the right to rob any of us for those few precious years, no one should rob a child the innocence of those years. These are the words to this song and I dedicate it to all of our precious children.
I can see "young boy" where the words say "young girl"... can't you?

Turn Around

Where are you going my little one, little one
Where are you going my baby my own
Turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of the door

Where are you going my little one, little one
Dirndls and petticoats, where have you gone
Turn around and you're tiny, turn around and you're grown
Turn around and you're a young wife with babes of your own

Turn around - turn around
Turn around and you're a young wife with babes of your own

Where are you going my little one, little one
Where are you going my baby my own
Turn around and you're two, turn around and you're four
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of my door

Turn around - turn around
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of my door

Where are you going my little one, little one
Dirndls and petticoats, where have you gone
Turn around and you're tiny, turn around and you're grown
Turn around and you're a young wife with babes of your own

{Melody Continues}

Turn around - turn around
Turn around and you're a young wife with babes of your own.

I am a member of the Adoption Triad and it was forced upon me and my family to become members. For those of you that don't know about the Triad, it is anyone touched by adoption. It may be birth parents, adoptive parents, the adoptees and their entire families. Grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, all become members of this ever growing group as soon as a child is taken from their birth family, and placed into another family that is not the biological family. The process by which children are gotten for these non-biological parents to adopt is my issue, my cause, my platform. My family and I are not only fighting for the return of our children, we are fighting for the rights of ALL children and ALL families caught up in
the court systems that failed us all.

These are just part of my views on one branch of the government that has spun out of control., I have many pages and government links to this National Issue! Please visit the links below. This is my world, my family‘s fight for our own and those of so many others. From Missionaries to single fathers fighting for the return of their babies and their refusal to allow their children to become someone else‘s child, are all here within this site. Millions are not shown here, the supply and demand of those that sell babies and children for a living is a home grown war for politics and money!
Power doth corrupt!

You can use the navigation boxes under the Index to go on to pages 2 and 3.

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Project MODFS TurnAround Pages

Thank you for stopping by won't you please take a moment and sign my guest book?! Then surf ABORN through the web ring here and sign the petition, if you are not sure, read page 2 & 3, meet the families who have been destroyed, see the memorial page. The petition is a very good start and you‘ll not meet a better group of people all fighting for the same thing.
Family Rights - Human Rights.
The right to know the answers.

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Please click on the Bravenet Button and sign my book!

If you want to help fight forced relinquishments of children, the false imprisonment of our children into Foster Care and the taking advantage of young parents and adoptees,
I urge you to join us at ABORN!

ABORN Home Page
Back List Petition Next
This Aborn Webring Owned by
Project TurnAround
Email Rev. Ruth

Our heartfelt thanks to Kel of Outlaw By Design for the beautiful work on these graphics!

E-Mail Rev. Ruth - click on the link below!

My Personal Goals

  • Getting our children back home in their own families!
  • Project MODFS TurnAround
  • To offer support and information to those in need of getting their families back together.
  • Open Adoption Records Nationwide
  • Open Juvenile Courts Nationwide
  • No More Secrets!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Petiton for overturning and reform of Adoption politics
Adoption & Reunion for Rici & her family
