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Alluded to previously, operating systems and BIOS-accomodating software of and within computers is a serious reflection of crucial concepts in vital Biblical doctrines.

Saint John's 1:1-14 prologue: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..." is allusive in a limited but acceptable way to an Operating System (like DOS 6.22) being put by the similitude of the Creator (the computer technician) into a new computer (scentient humanity) for the first time. The Source Code (the Word) of such integrates with the BIOS chipware (the trinitarian human soul in the image of God) as a starting basis for everything structural which follows, including many phenomenal executable programs of delightfully diverse nature.

The complete forgiveness of sins through the one-time all-inclusive sacrifice of Christ Himself and resultant total deletion of the presence and memory of all the viral sins, like a corrupt worms-and-trojans-infested hard drive [within a confessional penitent in and through Jesus], is reminiscent of that hard drive being re-partitioned, with a fresh operating system placed therein and bad files then annihilated by re-formatting.

"I will put My laws into their hearts, and write them on their minds. I will then remember their sins and misdeeds no more" (Hebrews 10).

Even the eucharistically-declared "body and blood" of the Holy Presence manifested in the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus empowering the forgiven believer to new realms of creative endeavor and accomplishment is - to a certain point - similar to the simple but quite adequate one body of WINDOWS 3.11 directory files being sanctimoniously and almost reverently engrained on the C-drive of a computer, followed by the bloody system files being placed within that body in one sacred subdirectory.

Though it ALMOST "goes without saying," the previously-mentioned analogies are admittedly inadequate. Obviously, blasphemy or ridicule is certainly NOT the intention, but rather harmonious incentive to greater edification through understandable associations.