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They say that no one is perfect. That is true. We all have our blind spots and inadequacies. We are perfectly correct in certain ideology and actions, but lamentably and intolerably incorrect in others. Only God is absolutely perfect, and only Jesus Christ has never ever made one mistake at any time, and never will make any mistakes.

That being said, what truth Christian saints DO say is indeed truth, and their blind spot inadequacies in other areas in NO way negate the bonafide and inerrant truth they do say. It is the task of the LORD (first and foremost) and then the job of the Lord's servants (secondarily) to help you the reader (and everyone else, for that matter) sort out what is human-limitation incorrect error and cultic misrepresentation from Christ's saints.....contrasted to that which is absolute and inerrant truth and fact from the same Divinely-inspired saints.

It is one thing to ignore and disregard anti-creationist revilers, wallowing in their laughable but pitiable stupid ignorance, belligerantly spewing out the vomit of their non-scientific ridiculousness and anti-Biblical blasphemy......but when creationists are somewhat in error, something needs to be said!

Two applications of what has just been stated follow.

There are some who call themselves "creationists" and even "Biblical creationists" (and they are, to some extent!) who purport the non-scientific and wrong myth of: microevolution.

Those ignorant, compromising, and hopefully-correctable creationists who use (and in reality, MIS-use) that fallacious and misleading term generally then follow their microevolunacy buzzword with an explanation and qualification of equivocating it with the terms: adaptation and variation within kinds.

Why do they not simply use the terms variation and adaptation to describe subtle and minute changes occurring within what Scripture calls: KINDS (and what pseudo-"scientists" miscall "species" as their demented substitute term)? They, in effect, "shoot themselves in the foot" by presuming that there is ANY degree or extent of evolution which has occurred, is now occurring, or will occur.

The hideous and obvious cause (not "reason") they mouth the misleading and incorrect term microevolution is that they are fearing humans and not God. They are trying to accomodate to disbelieving evolutionist diehards. They are hoping that by giving the Devil a dollar he will buy into the ideology of Biblical creationism.

But Saint Paul was not of that immentality:

Indeed, the very concept of "microevolution" (that is, lifeforms changing VERY gradually and almost imperceptably over long periods of time in slight mutational spurts along the way) is EXACTLY how evolution would occur IF it did occur. Clearly, a man will not do the extreme act of birthing a donkey, as Job astutely reminds us in Job 11:12. But the SLIGHT changes of microevolutionism are exactly what evolutionists have in mind, and that is mindlessly mouthed by certain ignorant and compromising pseudo-creationists [I have to call them that, even though they are, at times and to some extent, creationists - which I realize is quite confusing, for which they are to blame]. At this point, I will not name names to expose their identities, which is not to say that - if they persist after being personally warned - their names will not be listed on the internet to blacklist them at some future point.

To summarize, there is no such thing as "evolution." There is no macroevolution. There is no microevolution. There is simply no ANY type of evolution. It has never happened, does not now happen, nor ever will happen. Evolution is a NON-SCIENTIFIC myth and anti-Scriptural heresy which has NO place in public-school biology, microbiology, genetics, geology, archeology, anthropology, nor astronomy education classes.

There should be a few words of clarification here. The Old-Testament book of Leviticus chapter 11 in The HOLY BIBLE itself lists various kinds of lifeforms, but such obviously is not a definitive and exhaustive listing of the myriad kinds of lifeforms existent in nature. Nor should it, being that the Bible is not simply a scientific textbook specializing merely in copious details of myriad-lifeform zoology. The Holy Spirit did see fit (in His Scripture) to name a few general "kinds" of lifeforms, and inform us that such lifeforms reproduce ONLY "after their own kinds" - which obviously means they do not reproduce into other kinds. Perhaps there is no need to get into long-lettered Latin names and intricate genetic-terms dissertation in a detailed scientific discourse for you the reader to understand the basic idea of what is going on here. And it is clear that hybrids do happen, and that environmental factors tend to bring out different characteristics of kinds within kinds, which are [obviously] reproduced to offspring of the same kinds. Thus, from one-skin-colored Adam and Eve, we have the phenomena of "white" Caucasians and "black" Negroes. [Perhaps different amounts of sunlight in the extreme areas of the hemisphers in comparison to equatorial areas over the generations of human reproduction have been a significant factor for skin-color pigmentation change]. Think of the many types of dogs. Or instead think of the many kinds of dogs? There is no need to think of different "species" of dogs. But remember that kind is KIND - in a Biblical sense. Nuf said, for now.

There are some who call themselves "creationists" and even "Biblical creationists" (and they are, to some extent!) who purport the non-scientific and wrong myth of: changeable radioactive decay rates and changing light speed.

Such ignoramuses apparently do not get it nor understand the ramifications of the following Scripture:

Light speed has never changed since the beginning of creation, nor is it changing now, nor will it ever change. Similarly, radioactive decay rates have never changed, are not changing now, nor ever will change. The Creator has permanently fixed them. Think of the chaos and uncertainty if such were not the case. Nothing could be depended upon in nature and natural phenomena. We would be paralyzed into shock and immobility. We could not even continue to exist. What would be next to terroristically change to the detriment of all affected?

Some pseudo-creationists have a problem with stars, nebula, and galaxies being millions of light years away, and wrongly presume that if starlight from those stars and such left the source they presume it came from millions of years ago which light we are only now seeing, that means that the Earth and universe must be millions of years old.

WRONG! God created Adam and Eve, and the animals, in adult form (they were never birthed!). Similarly, He obviously created millions-of-light-years-distant stars with enroute starlight we now have seen, continue to see, and will see. No problem. And does that enroute starlight mean that God is "deceptive?" Only if you as a reviling and blasphemous, warped and twisted despicable want to make Him out to be a liar. But God has done what He has done, and does what He does - no matter what you or anyone else thinks or misthinks about it.

And about timing?

True Jews have it correct in setting their time standards by celestial objects like the sun, moon, and related seasons.....and pseudo-"scientists" have it wrong with their "leap years" and incorrect-interval seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. As you remember, in the Old-Testament book of Genesis, God established the sun, moon, and stars for "signs and seasons" and that includes THE Time Standard for all history, the present, and the future - until Judgement Day. The weird and pathetic phenomenon of "leap year" is not God's fault, but a lamentable absurdity of Julian and Gregorian calendar concocters, and pseudo-scientists who suckhole into such.
