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Chapter 8: War Clouds

[Companion Music To This Part]

“Lord Raze” said Scourge in a serious tone. “Have all of our warships arrived?” “Yes, my master, all fifteen of out Victory Class Star Destroyers are present and accounted for.” “Very well. Where does our total current fleet strength stand?” “Our warships report that they are ready to proceed. Ground assault forces, TIE squadrons, gunboat squadrons, strike cruisers; all report ready and awaiting orders. All that is left is for the Ssi-ruuk armada to arrive.” “Excellent” said Scourge. As she looked out of a view port, she could see that the space around the forest moon was filled with the massive Imperial warships. Each was powerful in its own right. However, all of them paled in comparison to the might of the Hand. The enormous warship dwarfed the smaller Victory Class ships. Her might would be tested soon enough, as both dark lords knew very well. Suddenly out of sector 3 came a fleet of organic looking ships. Though primitive looking, the Ssi-ruuk armada was on the brink of defeating the New Republic fleet many years ago during its war on that governing body. Only a last minute truce and alliance between the former enemies (Imperial Remnants and Republic) saved the ruling government. “Ah Admiral Fallikyn. How grand of you and your prestigious fleet to join us” said Scourge over the comm link. “Yes Lord Scourge. It appears the time has come for our long awaited victory,” said the alien leader in badly spoken basic. “Let us take the time to now review our treaty for the division of the space we win after this war is over” cut in Darth Raze. “By all means” replied the Admiral.

Back on Coruscant, Lord Rusan was in the middle of a meeting with the Chancellor. “My Lord”, said Rusan, “I have urgent news to report.” “I believe that I already know of the tidings that you have to bring me Lord Rusan. Let me assure you that all of our Star Defenders have been recalled for immediate defense of the capital.” “Your grace, how did you know?” asked Rusan. “The intelligence briefing came across my desk before anyone else. All of the evidence seems to support the notion of an attack on us here.” “Yes, your grace, although I fell compelled to tell you that I have felt a major disturbance in the Force. It seems to convey to me that the enemy we will face has a plan of deception in mind. Though I do not know what that exactly means,” said Rusan. “With all due respect, I believe we must go with what we do know from our spy reports. A defense of the capital is priority number one right now Lord Rusan” replied the Chancellor. Nodding in agreement, Rusan then bowed in respect and exited the Chancellor’s chamber.

“Lord Raze”, said Scourge, “it’s time to set our plan into motion. First let us send a diversionary force of two warships to attack Coruscant. Then we will head for the rendezvous point at planet M.” “Brilliant my master. They will not know what hit them. I shall designate the Executioner and the Firestorm for the decoy detail. Shall I also ask the Admiral to designate some Ssi-ruuk warships for decoy detail?” “Great idea, Lord Raze. Contact the Admiral and organize it yourself,” responded Scourge. With utmost respect, Raze bowed and headed towards the comm panel. Scourge proceeded to meander over to the still imprisoned Master Buwat. The dark lord responded to Buwat’s try at a menacing gesture with a boisterous laugh. “It’s a pity that a Jedi with skills such as yours has to be destroyed. But not to worry. Your time will not come until after my fleet destroys yours,” said Scourge. “Even if you kill me, Sith, I will still be a powerful Jedi with power you couldn’t comprehend,” replied Buwat. “We will see,” said Scourge. “Lord Raze are we ready to commence” asked Scourge as she left Buwat. “Yes, master, the diversionary force is almost ready to jump into hyperspace. We will be underway shortly after they depart,” replied Raze. “Excellent” replied Scourge. “Set the fleet’s course for Mon Calamari.”

Sometime later, Lord Rusan was in the council chamber hosting a meeting of the high council. All of the Jedi leaders were assembled to discuss events of great importance. Lord Rusan explained to the council how the Sith had returned yet again from extinction. They seemed to be primed for an attack on the capital utilizing the stolen Imperial warships. She also explained how she felt that it was highly likely that they may also attack another world that holds great importance to the Republic. “The Sith have begun a move against us yet again after so long a slumber” said Rusan as she gazed out of the window. “We must be ready for anything, my Jedi sisters and brothers. We shall not fall into a complacent slumber, as did the Old Order all those years ago. The Clone War was their downfall. This war will not be ours.” All of the Jedi in the room nodded in fevered agreement with the Jedi Lord. “There is also another matter of grave importance that I must put to you all. As you all know by now, Soran Zacom has left the order. I must say it is not this alone that troubles me,” said Rusan. “Then what is the major concern, Lord Rusan?” queried the Jedi Master Fonshig Deghey. “The major concern is something far more dire than simply leaving the order. It involves using the knowledge we have passed to her to come back and confront us. Our previous Lord, the great Master Skywalker, had thought of a tradition that was to begin with myself. A tradition that enabled the Jedi Lord, and only the Jedi Lord, to access secret levels of the Jedi Holocron. Whilst I was studying those levels a few months ago, I found a prophecy that Master Skywalker had left for me to decipher. I didn’t realize its significance until recently:

The sacred order is ressurrected,

But immense danger remains,

Out of the new order’s infancy,

Will come a new chosen one,

Whose chosen path in turn will determine,

The survival of the new order,

To continue on or to perish under the chosen one’s might.

“By the Force” exclaimed Master Deghey. “Zacom could possibly fit that prophecy. Indeed this is of grave concern.” “Yes”, replied Rusan,”If she were to join the dark side, I fear that we could have another civil war on our hands or even worse – a new schism war fought between the factions of light and dark – Jedi and Sith.” All of the Jedi in the room looked to each other and spoke in panicked tones. “Furthermore…I have requested a team of Republic spies to keep an eye on the young one so we may have advance warning of anything bad that may come of her defection” said Lord Rusan. Again all of the Jedi nodded in agreement. “Finally, we must launch a rescue operation for Master Buwat.” “Rescue”, queried Jedi Master Ticon Maybec. “She’s been captured?” “Yes. An anonymous note was left in my chamber saying that she was captured during the pursuit of the Sith Lord Darth Raze,” replied Rusan. “Our spies looked into it and verified the claim.” “A wonderful triage of problems” declared Master Maybec sarcastically. “I know that these issues are straining our resources, but we must see each one through. Right now our first priority is to aid in the defense of the capital. Myself a few other Knights will mount a rescue operation for Master Buwat. As for Zacom…we will send our spies after her and deal with her when the time is right” said Rusan. Once again, the council nodded in agreement to the Jedi Lord’s statements. “If that is all, then I adjourn this meeting of the Jedi high council. I will summon you all when we are ready to proceed with our operations. You are all dismissed.” Silently, the council members departed the chamber and headed downstairs.

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