Space Station: Boon or boondoggle?
Supporters say $60 billion project will provide a unique lab;
skeptics say the money would be better spent elsewhere
Aug. 21 — When
NASA launches a spacecraft into the cosmos, the mission usually
flies with a long laundry list of results the space agency hopes
to reap from it. But the $60 billion International Space Station
— NASA’s costliest and most daunting venture yet — stands alone
as a mission whose mandates cannot be readily determined.
Unlike robot probes
dispatched to study the specific features or climate of another
planet, the space station is an open-ended endeavor that NASA
hopes will benefit Earth in ways that are impossible to predict.
That makes it easy fodder for critics who ask, what’s the point?
Sixteen years after NASA first started
work on the project — with five more years to go before the station
is completed — the 16-nation space station looms as one of the
largest question marks in the space agency’s history. NASA has
not scrutinized, analyzed or redesigned any other mission as much.
None has been as technically challenging. Even before the first
astronauts take up residence, the debate over the space station
is shaping up like this: Is the station a boon for science or
a boondoggle for taxpayers?
“We don’t know what we’ll get up there,
but we know some things that we’re looking for,” said Roger Crouch,
NASA’s senior scientist for the space station. “A lot of it is
basic investigations of physics laws … where you don’t have gravity
smearing out the results. If you’re lucky, you’re going to find
yourself pushing the envelope and you’re going to find unimagined
things … to improve the quality of life on the ground.”
Measuring Mission Success
said NASA will measure mission success in three areas: crew safety,
useful hardware and scientific results that are in line with peer
“As far as breakthroughs or something
leading to technology that can be integrated into Joe Sixpack’s
life, that could take 10 to 15 years,” he said.
That sort of wait-and-see philosophy
steams critics like Robert Park, a physicist at the University
of Maryland and spokesman for the American Physical Society, who
argues the space station is draining money from more worthy space
“You can certainly hope for a breakthrough
but it’s improbable,” Park said. “That money invested elsewhere
is much more worthwhile. There are great explorations yet to be
carried out at Mars or Europa and they won’t be done in our lifetime.
Three modules
station now consists of a Russian space tug called Zarya, a Russian
command post and living quarters called Zvezda, and an American
connecting tunnel called Unity, all orbiting 240 miles (385 kilometers)
above Earth. Though the first live-aboard crew is due to arrive
in late October for a three-month stay, scientific research won’t
begin in earnest until a U.S. laboratory named Destiny arrives
on a mid-January launch aboard the space shuttle Atlantis.
all goes as planned, the station will be finished in 2005 and
operate for a decade beyond that. With 100 pieces weighing 1 million
pounds (454,000 kilograms), the station will have five and a half
times the electrical power of the Russian space station Mir with
four and a half times its living space. When it is completed,
the ISS will measure 356 feet (108.5 meters) across and 290 feet
(88 meters) long — the size of two football fields with a habitable
volume of two Boeing 747 jumbo jets.
Research conducted in six labs — built
by the United States, Europe, Japan or Russia — will help assess
how the human body reacts to long stays in weightlessness for
a possible return to the moon or flights to Mars. Other experiments
could lead to better drugs and treatments for cancer or other
diseases. Still other studies of Earth from space could help scientists
understand long-term changes to Earth’s climate and environment.
Scientists also will study how flames,
fluids and metals react in space and whether tests on certain
materials in weightlessness can help improve earthly industrial
processes. All these will take time, and for the public to expect
quick and substantial results, Crouch said, “is a little like
expecting a pinch hitter to hit a home run every time he comes
up to the plate.”
new environment
the station offers most, he said, is a new environment in which
to study the world just as the invention of the microscope in
the 16th century opened new doors into scientific research.
“We’ve never had access to an operating
laboratory of this type in space before,” said Mary Musgrave,
a plant biologist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
Her experiments on seed growth have been flown both on Mir and
the shuttle’s Spacelab module.
“The Mir and Spacelab programs provided
only a glimpse. The International Space Station offers the opportunity
to conduct research 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,” she said.
Whether that research can produce good
science is open to debate. Critics doubt that it can. NASA argues
that the nascent station someday will yield plenty of scientific
breakthroughs in areas ranging from medicine to engineering. They
just can’t say what those might be or when they will come. As
supporters see it, that sort of hedging is no different than the
expectations for any general research laboratory on Earth.
“You approach research in space in
a similar way that you do on Earth,” said Ron Sega, a former astronaut
and now dean of the college of engineering and applied science
at the University of Colorado. “Some results are fairly dramatic
and come early. Other times, it takes a long time.”
The earliest results no doubt will
come in learning how to operate and live safely aboard large structures
in orbit. Long-term investigations, such as understanding how
and why certain bodies of water are drying up on Earth, probably
won’t be conclusive for years. Breakthroughs, if and when they
happen, often are the result of basic research done years before.
That’s why a learn-as-you-go routine
is natural for a mission like the station, said Sega, who flew
on the space shuttle in 1994 and 1996.
approach working in the station environment in a different way,”
he said. “My two flights on the shuttle were short-duration flights
of eight to nine days. … Your preparation is very task-oriented.
In a longer-duration activity, you train for the skills needed
with an eye to adapting. It’s very important that we see this
as a laboratory and research work-in-progress, and people should
view it in a similar way of doing high-quality research in a university
or government lab.”
As far as demanding instant scientific
results, Sega said, “We don’t do that with labs here, we shouldn’t
do that there either.”
But critics contend the station’s biggest
problem is that its objectives were never clearly defined from
the start. That left it open to design changes they say have compromised
its purpose. Outlined by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 as an
$8 billion facility that was to be ready by 1990, the station
has grown to include 16 nations in a project costing eight times
as much as originally planned.
“Its mission has never been very clear,”
said Park of the American Physical Society. “Each administration
cooks up a new explanation for it. … By the time it’s obvious
nothing’s going to come out of it, we’ll have already spent the
money. The space station stands as the single greatest obstacle
to exploring space, and that’s kind of sad.”
nothing else, the station gives NASA something it has not had
in almost 20 years of flying the space shuttle — a home in space.
But it also commits the nation, and to a lesser degree its international
partners, to a course of aiming humans no higher than low Earth
Crouch, however, said the sheer number
of scientific investigations for the station — 100 to 120 experiments
each year — virtually assures that the station will produce rewarding
“We’re going to be doing research with
the cream of the crop up there,” he said. “To me, we’ll start
getting substantial results in even the first experiments that
go up. We’re looking forward to this being a progressive step
in our learning.”