Lauren Lee Smith

 Birthday: June 19
 Hometown: Vancouver, B.C
 Height: 5'9"
Some quick links

  Lauren was born in Vancouver British Columbia in 1980. She is the
  daughter of a documentary film maker. She traveled the world with 
  her family. At 14 her stepfather moved the family to Los Angeles,
  California. There she was approched by a fashion scout and began
  a professional modeling career. At 19 she went back to Vancouver
  after several international fashion shoots. In August 1999 she signed
  with an agent. Shortly after, she was cast for her first professional 
  acting job- a featured role in "Get Carter" starring Sylvester Stallone.
  Since then she has also acted in shows such as MTV's boy band
  parody "2Gether" and James Cameron's new series "Dark Angel".
  In 2000 she starred in the three part mini-series "Christy" in which
  she played the lead charactor. She now plays as Emma deLauro in 
  the great show "MutantX".

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   Make sure to visit the official site
  Mutant X  is © 2002-2003 Tribune Entertainment

  Web design and graphics by DragonFrost Graphics