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A Tentative Agreement has been reached

Bargaining 2008 Update - March 1/09
The union and the OPS employer reached a tentative settlement at the Corrections bargaining table early Sunday morning, March 1. The team
is unanimously recommending that members ratify the settlement.
“This settlement reflects the hard work and determination of members
to protect our sick leave plan,” said team chair David Kerr. “Our thanks
to the members who helped us achieve it. Kerr said any activities to
support the team should be put on hold pending ratification. “We will
get details of the settlement posted on the OPSEU website as soon as possible. We encourage everyone to take the time to read it. Locals will
be organizing information and vote meetings very soon,” Kerr said.

Corrections wants your incidents One of the issues facing our bargaining team right now is the assertion by the employer that Corrections sick time is excessive. We all know the dangers and stresses faced by our members daily, both in the facilities and in the community. The Corrections MERC and Provincial Health and Safety Team would like you to assist us in reminding the employer what our members deal with. Please send us information about what is happening at your worksite so we can, in turn, let the employer know. Please note that we are not asking for any confidential information – just a report that an incident occurred. Please complete the Incident Report Form here. Fill out the information and click submit. It’s that simple. This will be successful if information is sent each time there is an incident. We thank you for your assistance. Eddy Almeida, Chair, Corrections MERC Brian Chauvin, Chair, Corrections Provincial Health and Safety Team David Kerr, Chair, Corrections Bargaining Team


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This Site Last Updated
Sunday, March 01, 2009 05:31:48 PM