

*STORY- Not as far fetched as it may look or sound. Robocop has that hard edge that not many films had at its release date or even today. ROBOCOP, just the name sounds like its corny, stupid, and unbelievable (in a bad way). But when you watch it, it blows your mind and you believe everything you see! *ROBO- The first time you see Robo from behind that distorted class in the Police Department and hear that pleasant hum, its magic. He looks so cool and looks like he'll f*ck up any mother f*cker that gives him sh*t. Which he does, that is after he stops following his Prime Directives. *VIOLENCE- The first time I saw this movie it was on TV and was edited. Even when it was edited I was like "Whoa this is crazy!" than I rented it and saw the R-rated version on video and it was INSANE! This is a crazy cool sci-fi action blow 'em up shoot 'em up action master piece! *VILLIAN(S)- The villians in this film arnt really the kind you 'love to hate'. You just plain 'hate 'em!' They're real assholes! Clarence is the biggest ass of them all and he deserves WAY worse than what he got. ED-209 is the kind of robo villain you love to hate (even though theres not much hate). Hes just cool. *OVERALL- The film is great, with enough action and violence to keep an ADD person paying attention and enough good story telling to keep the tough critics raving.