

*STORY- what?! *ROBO- who?! *VIOLENCE- where?! *VILLIAN(S)- how?! *OVERALL- WHY!? **************************************************************************************************************STORY- ok the story is pretty lame, rehab people taking over peoples homes. Just an awful story. *ROBO- Who hired this guy? And WHY?! He doesnt have the ROBOCOP movemnet right, his voice is GOD AWFUL! And this guy just sucked. They shoulda waited for peter. *VIOLENCE- This movie is a kids movie and their isnt really any violence besides a little shooting with the lack of blood and intence violence robocop just isnt the same. *VILLIAN(S)- The villians in this film as just stupid and lame, Otomo doesnt do anything great and the man in charge of the rehab thing is just a dork. *OVERALL- If this movie had Peter Weller and intense violence and gore this movie would have been a hell of a lot more enjoyable. But since it doesnt have those it is just stupid.