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~ Wise and Gentle Jedi Master Qui~Gon Jinn ~



Click here to see and/or download the absolutely gorgeous Qui-Gon Jinn Tone Poem Video,

A Star Wars Episode I Promotion, released in 1999.


{Right click to download, then click on "Save Target As," then click "Save" to save it on your computer in a folder of your choosing}


{The Poem is around 2.2 Megs and requires Apple QuickTime to play. QuickTime is available from the Apple site free and is also available with itunes.  Apologies, but I do not have the other tone poems.  However, you can see the words to them here: - The Obi~Wan One is also very lovely}




Please click here to view Star Wars and other genre fanfic page, or to find out more about Qui~Gon Jinn   {Click on the Star Wars Logo}



~ May The Force Be With You ~




Disclaimers: Lucasfilm own the rights to the Star Wars universe. I make no monetary profit

from this page or my Fanfic~Fanart Pages