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Episode 1: The fantom menace
Episode 1: The fantom menace!

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...there was a small boy named Anakin Skywalker, who lived on Tatooine with his mother. Until a man called Qui-Gon-Jin, who was a Jedi that had an apprentice, who was called Obi-One. Both were very knolegeable of the force and were good Jedis that then looked after Anakin. As time went on, they seemed to get involved with a big war against the Empire (more commonly known as 'The Dark Side'!). The Empire had two smugglers working for them as part of a bargain, the bargain was that the two smugglers supplied the Emperor with millions of battle droids to take over the planet of Naboo, in return, the Empire would give them 1000's of credits. Unfortunately the bargin took place and the battle droids took over Naboo! As soon as this happened, the Rebels sent the two Jedis, Obi-One and Qui-Gon to help the Queen escape and go to Galactic Senate, in Courasant. Therefore, they could fight off the battle droids using the senate. This was taking too long and fairly soon; they would have complot power! Seeing that it would take short amount of time for this to happen, the Rebels, people from Naboo and Gungans all fought together, killed off all the battle droids, killed Darth Maul who was a bad Jedi that killed Qui-Gon, and destroyed the Smugglers space-station! From that day forward, Naboo has been a well-protected place!