  My Fair Viking

My Fair Viking by Sandra Hill

It was a cute, lightweight story. Sandra Hill is as humourous as ever . This story is a continution of her Viking saga. This is "Adam the Healer's" story, remember him from Raine and Selik's story? He was their adopted son. Well, Adam's all grown up now and what a man! Here's how his story goes:

At the death of his sister, whom he could not save, Adam grieves and stops practicing medicine. Two years later an amazon Viking Princess named Tyra comes to his home, kidnaps him, so he can save her father; forcing him out of his slump and back into practicing medicine. In her homeland you meet her wacky/talented sisters. A scrappy orphan and his siblings who adopt Adam, A sneaky King and Tykir and Alinor from a previous book (name escapes me at the moment and I'm too lazy to go look for it). Bolthor the skald makes his usual corny, but hilarious poems. With the "help" of all these people and Raschid, Adams ever faithful friend everyone is scheming to get these two together.

However or hero and heroine need no help in attraction department and the schemes are a riot. I love Sandra Hill's nutty style, well except for that "Tender" story..I'm still not quite over that, just can't get into a guy who paints his toenails Ugh! The only complaint I have is that Raine and Selik die. How sad!

Hmm..being from the future, you'd have thought Raine was immune to the sickness that killed her. Oh well. At least she and Selik died together. Unlike Raine's father. I'm still mad at his death and how Ruby went back to the future. Sandra Hill can be so heartless!!


***I'll add more as I read them. I'm hoping to talk a few other romance readers into writing their reviews.

~~Cracking the Whip!~~


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