The Happy Couples



Lady Hero Book
Ariyel aka Viscountess Dom St.George Beyond Scandal
Bookworm Rathe Bragg Violet Fire
CFN aka Lady Sheldon * she is the first wife* Nicholas Bragg aka Lord Sheldon Dark Fires
Ditoma aka Helen Derek Bragg Innocent Fire
Enchantedlovescalder aka Mary Rourke Bragg Deadly Desire
Jade Xavier Blackwell Captive
Jessie aka Duchess Jessie Hadrian Braxton Scandalous Love
Lisa Calder Hart Deadly Books
Margaret aka Lady DW Stephen De Warenne/Shoz Savage Promise of The Rose and Fires of Paradise
Margret Brett D'Archand Firestorm
Sfell aka Princess Sfell Prince Nicholas Sverayov Splendor
Sous aka Sue aka Lady Dragmore Nicolas Bragg Dark Fires
Susie De Lanza-Savage Edward De Lanza/Shoz Savage After Innocence and Fires of Paradise
Theresa Slade De Lannza Secrets
Tupper aka Michelle Rick Bragg Deadly Series
Jade Blackwell Xavier Blackwell Captive
Brownalicious aka Sonya Alex Preston Third Heiress
TnCsmomi aka Ursula D'Archand aka cradle robber :) Nicholas D'Archand Deadly Series