Just Mashu's Extended Profile

"Why are you always so damn thick-headed??"
"You know, I'm not real fond of machines."
"We can do this with a lot of pain or with a little pain. It's up to you!"
"If I had to treat every little scratch I got, I'd never get out during the day!"
"Whoa... THAT was impressive..."

That's right. This week features our *cough* fifth *cough* favorite character of the Rurouni Kenshin series!! Special w00t to J.D. since I'm sure he'll notice the change the quickest.

How to use this page!
Simply use the side menu you should see on the left. If you don't see the side menu, something isn't right, or your computer is way too obsolete! HAHA!

About Me
About me? Why in the heck would you want to know about me?

Besides, if you are looking at my bigger profile right now, you are probably just a friend who was forced to come here by being told to come here from me, right?

I mean, even if the person visiting was just some random person, why are they so curious? This entire "profile" is supposed to be some kind of "all about me" type thing, isn't it? Well, too bad. All I have to say to you is: "Behold the power of the WTF Cat.(Look Below)"

Proud Owner of the WTF Cat

"Guess my strong point is my stamina. These little scratches are nothing at all. ... Like I said, nothing at all. ... I'd appreciate it if you'd...STOP TOUCHING ME!"
“You said before that I’m the guy who doesn’t have a clue. But, the way I see things, you’re a lot more clueless since you’re the one who fell for that nutcase!”
"I don’t give a damn about my life. But, if I have to die, I sure ain’t going alone! I’ll be dragging you all the way down to hell with me!"
"Would you stop calling me a brute?! I've got a name and it's a damn good one too."
"You ought to know best of all where monsters like you end up. So, get ready, I'm going to send you to hell!"
"I wouldn't mind picking a fight for a change. Usually, I don't have any choice about who I fight with, but I can't stand watching people abuse those weaker than them. Something about that sort of bugs me. Especially when it's a bunch of hypocrites talking about the virtues of freedom and justice for all. That really pisses me off."
"Women... scare me..."
"Kenshin-gumi? What the heck is that?"
"And my Megumi, what is she doing now I wonder...?"
"Can't let a foxy doctor walk alone at night."