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We all are cats.
(a newspaper) by rachel and amanda
issue 2-Jan 20, 2004
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Rachel answers your questions...

Dear rachel, how do Chinese people make duck sauce? -Drew

Drew, It is a lengthy process. The Chinese should be admired. First, they get a duck from the market and put it through a machine. The duck isn't hurt in this process, they just have to spit into a cup. After the duck spits, it is let loose into the wild once again. So to answer your question, Drew, duck sauce is merely duck saliva. --Rachel

My cat thinks she's a tiger. Should I keep telling her she's not, or plant jungle vines in my living room? Signed, Stalked

Dear stalked, Turn the whole house into a jungle for her, and wear a loincloth. --Rachel


Just send Rachel your name and why you think you are the catiest cat.


-Loud meow.

-Heavy eating habits.

-MUST have the ability to wink.

Interview with a British cat

So, cat, what's your name?

My name is Cattardis.

What is your favorite hobby?

I like to purr.

Ohh..that's so interesting...How old are you?

I am about seven years old. (Plays with a ball of yarn)

Do you wear clothes, like Puss in boots?

No. (Gets tangled in a ball of yarn)

Where do you live?

Britain, where I have lived my whole life.

Wow, this is so interesting thanks for talking with us.
