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  • God Soul Waltz (July '02)
    Who Is This Flower Above Me
    And What Is The Work Of This God?
    I Would Know Myself, In All My Parts ...

  • By T. Thorn Coyle and Victor Anderson

  • Hoof And Horn (June '02)
    Hoof and horn. Hoof and horn
    All that dies shall be reborn
    Corn and grain. Corn and grain
    All that falls shall rise again

    By Ian Corrigan

  • Carry It Home (May '02)
    Carry It Home To Your Children, Carry It Out In The Street.
    Carry It On To The Ones You Love, And To The Ones You Meet.
    Carry It Light On Your Shoulder, Carry It Deep In Your Soul.
    For We Have Been Blessed With Magic, And The Magic Will Make Us Whole

    By Betsy Rose, © 1988 PaperCrane Music


  • Song To The Secret Name Of The Star Goddess (Mar '02)
    You Who Open The Vault Of Heaven
    Out Of The Blackness
    Comes Spinning Of Stars
  • By T. Thorn Coyle -

  • Circle Gate (Feb '02)
    Naught Shall Pass Our Circle Gate
    Caught By Fire - Blue Fire Bright
    Five Points Blaze - Safe And Secure
    Star Of Light, Guard Well Our Fate

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr.


  • Gandalf's Pledge (Jan '02)
    The Rule Of No Realm Is Mine, But All Worthy Things
    That Are In Peril As The World Now Stands,
    Those Are My Care. And I, For My Part,
    Shall Not Wholly Fail In My Task
    If Anything Passes Through This Night
    That Can Still Grow Fair Or Bear Fruit And Flower Again
    In Days To Come.

    Words By J.R.R. Tolkien
    Tune By Ivo Domínguez, Jr.


  • Like The Sun (Dec '01)
    Like The Sun Weary From
    The Labors Of The Year
    I Stray Into The Starry Dark
    To Rest And Shed A Tear
    Till I Hear Your Voice And Hark
    It Beckons Me

    Your Life Is Not Done
    The Best Is Yet To Be
    Come My Dear One
    Accompany Me (Chorus)

    Yes, I'll Rise In The East
    Stepping Through Its Rosy Door
    Earth's Beauty Is A Feast
    I'll Savor Ever More

    Your Life Is Not Done
    The Best Is Yet To Be
    Come My Dear One
    Accompany Me

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr


  • Power Filled (Nov '01)
    Feel It Rise
    As Is Willed
    Power Build
    To The Skies
    Let It Build
    Power Filled
    Loose The Ties

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr


  • Airy Messenger (Oct '01)
    Airy Messenger Clear The Clouds From Our Minds
    Whispers In The Winds
    Words Rustle Through The Leaves
    Inspiration Spins Like Feathers In The Winds
    Sweet Air, We Breath Deep
    New Promises We Keep

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr


  • In The Name Of The Divine Goddess (Sep '01)
    In The Name Of The Divine Goddess

    Taught By Shakmah Winddrum

  • Bile (Aug '01)
    Bile, Bile, God Of Life And God Of Death
    Bile, Bile, God Of Life And God Of Death
    Rise Up From Your Darkest Dwelling
    Light To Bring, The Land To Bless
    Rise Up From Your Darkest Dwelling
    Light To Bring, The Land To Bless

    By Damiara Pysell

    Bile (Bee-Lay) is an Irish God often represented as a Tree that whose roots go to the depths of the universe and whose branches reach the highest heavens. He is the Bile Tree set in the center of Druid rituals.

  • Woven Ones (July '01)
    We Are The Weavers, We Are The Woven Ones
    We Are The Dreamers, We Are The Dream
    We Are Traveling In A Circle
    A Circle Of The Wheel

    Source Unknown

  • The Wild Is Rising (June '01)
    The Wild Is Rising Up Through The Twilight
    The Wild Is Rising Up Through The Twilight
    Hearts And Bodies Open To Know
    The Magic Of The Earth
    Hearts And Bodies Open To Be
    The Healing Of The Earth

    Bridgid (Sue McGowen of Reclaiming) Written for the "Facing The Wild" workshop, June 1-2, 2001


  • Ancient Mother (May '01)
    Ancient Mother, I Hear You Calling
    Ancient Mother, I Hear Your Song
    Ancient Mother, I Hear Your Laughter
    Ancient Mother, I Taste Your Tears
  • Source Unknown

  • Great Mystery (April '01)
    As Above So Below
    Spirit And Matter In A Dance So Slow
    As Within So Without
    Great Mystery That Spirals In And Out

    Secret Glory, Hidden By Nothing
    Thrice Blessed, Thrice Called, Thrice Revealed (2X)

    By Ivo Domínguez Jr.


  • Two Hands Join (March '01)
    Two Hands Join As One. Two Hearts Dance As One
    Sharing Our Joy - Forever
    Sharing Our Joy - Forever

    By Ivo Domínguez Jr.
    Written For Cathy Blough & Shari Goettel's Handfasting


  • Brid (February '01)
    Brid is Come, Brid is Welcome,
    Welcome Brid, Oh Brid Is Come

    Lunacy- Greg Johnson and Sparky T. Rabbit -Hand Of Desire Tape '92


  • The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water (January '01)
    The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water
    Return, Return, Return, Return (2X)

    Ah Ay, Ah Ay, Ah Ay, Ah Ay
    I Ohh, I Ohh, I Ohh, I Ohh (2X)

    Source Unknown


  • Infinite Sun (December '00)
    We Are One With The Infinite Sun
    Forever And Ever And Ever

    Native American


  • Sparks (November '00)
    Sparks From The Hearth
    Of The Queen Of Death And Life
    Swarm Through The Dark
    Dance Through The Night

    By J. Robin Gall


  • Osiris, Asar (October '00)
    Osiris Asar
    Lord Everlasting
    Crowned With The Eastern Star
    Like The Grain Rising. Like The Grain Cut
    Journey Oh So Far
    Osiris We Become.

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Isis, Aset (September '00)
    Isis, Aset, Lady Of Magic
    Throne Of The World, Veiled And Unveiled
    Salt Tears Of Joy, Salt Tears Of Sorrow
    Giver Of Life, Hark To Our Cry
    Giver Of Life, Hark To Our Cry

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • May The Love We're Sharing (August '00)
    May The Love We're Sharing Spread Its Wings,
    And Fly Across The Earth
    And Bring New Joy To Every Soul, Who Is Alive
    May The Blessings Of Your Grace My Love,
    Shine On Everyone And May We All See The Light
    Within, Within, Within

    Author Unknown To Me, New Zealand


  • Powerful Song (July '00)
    Powerful Song Of Radiant Light Weave Us The Web That Spins The Night.
    Web Of Stars That Holds The Dark, Weave Us The Earth That Feeds The Spark

    Strand By Stand, Hand Over Hand
    Thread By Thread, We Weave The Web

  • Seven Sacred Shing Ones (June '00)
    Seven Sacred Shining Ones Speak Words Of Power Tonight
    Illuminated Beings Fill Us With Your Light
    Choices That We Make Tonight Must Stand The Test Of Time
    Step By Step And Stone By Stone The Future We Will Climb

    By Teri Foster-Gray, Gretchen Emery, and Ivo Dominguez, Jr. First used at the main ritual for Between The Worlds 2000
    Could be used in other rituals focused on the Seven Elder Planets.


  • Rise On The Elements (June '00)
    Sacred Earth, Subtle Earth, Rise Up On The Planes
    Sacred Air, Subtle Air, Rise Up On The Planes
    Sacred Water, Subtle Water, Rise Up On The Planes
    Sacred Fire, Subtle Fire, Rise Up On The Planes

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr. first used at the main ritual for Between The Worlds 2000
    Same tune for all the elements. This is the order of the Four Worlds in the Qabala.


  • Rhiannon Carry Us (May '00)
    Rhiannon Carry Us. Rhiannon Carry Us,
    Rhiannon Carry Us Over. Crossing The Threshold
    From Sleeping To Waking
    From Birthing To Dying And Over

    By T. Thorn Coyle and recorded on Reclaiming's Second Chants 1993 ©


  • Full Moonlight Dance (April '00)
    Under The Full Moon Light We Dance, Spirits
    Dance We Dance, Joining. Hands We Dance, Joining
    Souls Rejoice ..


    By Karen Beth on To Each One Of Us 1993 ©

  • Animal Spirits (March '00)
    Animal Spirits Come To Me Now. Vanishing Spirits Come Live In Me.
    When I Run Let Me Run Like The Deer.
    When I Fight Let Me Fight Like A Mama Bear
    When I Hide Let Me Hide Like A Fox.
    Learn To Strike Like A Rattlesnake


    Taught to me by Shevierah Stonewater. Original author or version unknown to me. Normally sung as a call and response.


  • Way To The Well (February '00)
    We Will Never, Never Lose Our Way To The Well Of Her Memory
    And The Power-- Of Her Living Flame It Will Rise, It Will Rise Again. (x2)

    Like The Grasses, Through The Dark, Through The Soil,
    To The Sunlight -- We Shall Rise Again. We Are Thirsting -- For The Waters Of Life,
    We Are Moving -- We Shall Live Again. (x2)

    Words By Starhawk and Rose May Dance, Music adapted from a South African Freedom Song.


  • Magick I Become (January '00)
    Sweet Magick I Become. Flesh And Breath Of Dancing Light.
    New Wonders Yet To Come As I Shine From Day To Night

    By Ivo Domínguez Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Cauldron Of Changes (December '99)
    Cauldron Of Changes, Blossom Of Bone
    Arch Of Infinity, Hole In The Stone

    Source Uncertain, this chant dates from the late 70's or early 80's


  • Feral Beauty (November '99)
    Feral Beauty Of The Green Woods,
    Lead Me Down To The Shining Groves Within
    Joy And Sorrow, Both Hope And Fear
    Hold Your Heart Where The Dreaming World Begins

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Stones Forever (October '99)
    Here We Stand And Reach Up To The Heavens
    Here We Stand And Reach Down To The Earth
    Here The Stones And The People Stand Together
    To Heal And Grow. To Heal And Grow

    Here We Stand And Reach Up To The Heavens
    Here We Stand And Reach Down To The Earth
    Here The Stones And The People Stand Forever
    So Mote It Be. So Mote It Be

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Full Blessed Children (September '99)
    We Have All That We Need. Full Blessed Children Of Space
    Light Shines Full On Our Faces
    Giving Love,     Illumination      Peace...

    Source unknown, best guess: Sufi


  • Be Like A Bird (August '99)
    Be Like A Bird Who Halting In Her Flight On A Limb Too Slight
    Feels It Give Way Beneath Her Yet Sings, Sings
    Knowing She Has Wings Yet Sings, Sings Knowing She Has Wings

    Source unknown, recorded on Libana's Fire Within CD '90.

  • Within Every Soul (August '99)
    God And Goddess Live Within Every Soul
    Blessed Their Gift Blessed Are We

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Come Loved Ones Come (July '99)
    Come, Loved Ones Come. Come To The Beat Of The Heartbeat Drum
    Come, Loved Ones Come. Come To The Beat Of The Heartbeat Drum

    Author Unknown.


  • I Am A Circle (June '99)
    I Am A Circle And I Am Healing You
    You Are A Circle And You Are Healing Me
    Unite Us, Be One Unite Us, Be As One

    By Adele Getty


  • Pleiades Chant (May '99)
    There's A Part Of The Sun In An Apple. There's A Part Of The Moon In A Rose
    A Part Of The Flaming Pleiades In Every Leaf That Grows

    By Bone Blossom & ?.


  • Shed, Release (Apr. '99)
    Whatever It Takes, Whoever You Are. Heal The Wounds, Erase The Scars
    Allow Your Hearts To Be Wide Open. Shed, Release, Return Unbroken
    How Many Times Have You Gone Within. Only To Find Yourself There Again
    Shed, Release, Return Unbroken. Know Thyself This Truth Be Spoken
    Shed, Release, Return Unbroken. Know Thyself This Truth Be Spoken

    By Cobalt


  • Gandalf's Pledge (Mar. '99)
    The Rule Of No Realm Is Mine,But All Worthy Things That Are In Peril
    As The World Now Stands, Those Are My Care.
    And I, For My Part, Shall Not Wholly Fail In My Task
    If Anything Passes Through This Night
    That Can Still Grow Fair Or Bear Fruit And Flower Again In Days To Come.

    Words: From J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings trilogy
    Tune: Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Oh Visions (Feb. '99)
    Self And Selfless, Whole And Apart
    True And Fearless, True To My Art
    I See Deep, I See Far, Oh Visions Come To Me
    True To My Heart And What I See

    By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. (Panpipe)


  • Rhiannon Chant (Jan. '99)
    Ride forth from your faery mound
    Rhiannon, heed our call
    Bring to us your fertile magick
    From your bounteous hall

    By BryteUnicorn

  • Lady Of The Winter Night (Dec. '98)
    Lady Of The Winter Night Fill Our Souls With Dreams Of Light
    Lady Of The Falling Snows Beauty Tells Us All She Knows
    Lady Of The Sleeping Land Call The Sun From Summerland

    We Stand Between The Light And Dark Singing For The Newborn Spark ( 3 X)

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

  • We All Come From The Sun God (Dec. '98)
    We All Come From The Sun God And To Him We Shall Return
    Like A Spark ... Of F l a m e Rising To The H e a v e n s

    From IPAN's "Caroling With The Goddess" songbook, using the same tune as
    Z. Budapest's "We All Come From The Goddess".
    Iowa Pagan Access Network, P.O. Box 861, Iowa City, IA 52244-0861

    Note: The original version of this was written by Leonard D. Rosenburg and performed at a Rites of Spring in the late '80s. The original lyrics were: We all come from the Horned God. And to Him we shall return. Like a spark of fire. Leaping to the Heavens.

  • Bright Sun, Dark Death (Nov. '98)
    Bright Sun, Dark Death --Lord of Winds, Lord of the Dance
    Sunchild, and Winter-born King -- Hanged One, Untamed, Untamed
    Stag and Stallion, Goat and Bull -- Sailor of the Last Sea
    Guardian of the Gate, -- Brother and Lover
    Seed-sower, Grain reborn -- Horned One Come
    Seed-sower, Grain reborn -- Horned One Come
    Seed-sower, Grain reborn -- Horned One Come

    Words by Starhawk, Music by Moonrose

    Fire Flow Free (Nov. '98)
    Fire Flow Free -- Fire Flow Through Me

    By Ariana Lightningstorm,

    Harvest Time (Oct. '98)
    The Boughs Do Shake And Bells Do Ring, So Merrily Comes Our Harvest In,
    Our Harvest In, Our Harvest In, So Merrily Comes Our Harvest In,
    We've Ploughed, We've Sowed, We've Reaped, We've Mowed,
    We've Got Our Harvest In.

    Words from Mother Goose -- Tune By Ivo Dominguez, Jr

  • Moon Oracle Set (Sep. '98)
    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr,

    Goddess Of The Moon
    Goddess Of The Three-Fold Moon
    Maiden, Mother, Ancient One


    My Voice
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice
    What I Ask Is My Choice

  • My Voice and Moons
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Goddess Of The Moon,
    What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Goddess Of The Moon
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Maiden Of The Moon,
    What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Maiden Of The Moon
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Mother Of The Moon,
    What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Mother Of The Moon
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Ancient Of The Moon,
    Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Ancient Of The Moon

  • Radiant Sun (Aug. '98)
    Come Children Come To The Radiant Sun
    Oh, Oh Horned One

    Can also be sung as "Come Brothers" or "Come Sisters" or "Come Loved Ones", etc.

    Lord Of The Greenwood (Aug. '98)
    Come The Lord Of The Greenwood, Greenwood {3 times}
    And Court The Lady Fair

    In The Heat Of Their Passion, Passion. {3 times}
    The Corn Will Rise Again

    By Ian Corrigan


    Herne Who Hears (July '98)
    Herne Who Hears All Living Things. Hear Our Call To You
    Herne Whose Name All Nature Sings. Hear Our Call To You
    Moon Stag, Horned One, Green Man, God
    Draw Near, Come Here, Be Here, Now

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Strong And Free (July '98)
    We Are, We Are, Going To Be. L o v i n g
    Strong And Free


    Burn Fire (June '98)
    Burn Fire, Burn Bright, Pure Vision Come To Me,
    Guide My Path Tonight With Your Strength And Light

    By Deirdre Pulgram Arthen

    Through The Veil Of Night (June '98)
    Spinning Down, Spiraling Through The Veil Of Night
    Falling Through Hopes And Fears Laughing Through The Tears
    Spinning Down, Spiraling To The Well Of Sight
    God And Goddess Shine Within. God And Goddess Shine Within

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

  • Helios (May '98)
    Helios, Helios
    Quan-Toh Roh Pah-Neh-Tec | Quan-Toh Roh Pah-Neh-Tec
    H e l i o s

    Chant for the Sun God Helios as taught by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

    Helios Variation: These are alternate lyrics that I wrote for a ritual a few years ago. Listen to the original version to learn the melody.

    Helios, Helios
    Swift Hand That Guides The Light | Swift Hand That Guides The Light
    H e l i o s


  • Look At Each Other (May '98)
    As We Walk The Circle Round, Change And Transform
    As We Dance On Sacred Ground, Shine And Rejoice
    Look At Each Other. See The Sun, Moon, And Stars
    Look At Each Other. See The Sun, Moon, And Stars

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Round And Round (April '98)
    Oh Round And Round || And Round And Round
    Through Birth || And Life And Death Again
    And Birth And Life Again

    By Sparky T. Rabbit - Record on the Lunacy tape 1990 ©

  • Three-Fold God Chant (April '98)
    Holy Green Oak King, Tower High, Tower High, Horned One Come To Us
    Holy Holly King, The Evergreen, Evergreen, Horned One Come To Us
    Shining Lord Pan Come Dance With Us Dance With Us, Horned One Come To Us

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Promise Of Green (March '98)
    Joy In The Gold Buds Of Spring. Passion In The Greening Leaf
    Joy In The Rising Day. Passion Neath The Glowing Moon
    Come Swelling Tides Of Spring. Fill Me With The Promise Of Green

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr

    Triple Goddess Chant (March '98)
    Holy Maiden Huntress Artemis, Artemis. Maiden, Come To Us
    Silver Shining Wheel Of Radiance, Radiance. Mother, Come To Us
    Ancient Queen Of Wisdom, Hecate, Hecate. Old One, Come To Us

    By Peter Soderberg

    Wearing My Long Wing Feathers (February '98)
    I Circle Around, I Circle Around. The Boundaries Of The Earth
    Wearing My Long Wing Feathers As I Fly. Wearing My Long Wing Feathers As I Fly

    Words: Arapaho Ghost Dance Song. Melody By Judith Foster (from NROOGD a few decades ago)


  • Stars We Were (February '98)
    Stars We Were And Stars We Will Be. Circling Through Eternity
    Stars We Are And Stars We Remain. Walking On This Earthly Plane

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr


  • Air Moves Us (January '98)
    Air Moves Us, Fire Transforms Us · Water Shapes Us, Earh Heals Us
    And The Balance Of The Wheel Goes Round And Round
    And The Balance Of The Wheel Goes Round

    By Cathleen, Moonsea, And Prune
    Recorded on Chants- Ritual Music

  • Thanks Turns The Wheel (January '98)
    Thanks Turns The Wheel Of The Harvest · Thanks Seals The Circle Of Life
    Thanks Blesses All Our Beginnings And Thanks Blesses The End

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and James C. Welch

  • Gate Keepers Three (January '98)
    Bile, Lugh, Manannan · Bile, Lugh, Manannan · Bile, Lugh, Manannan
    Open Up The Gates - Land, And Sky, And Sea

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

  • The Holly And The Ivy (December '97)
    The Holly And The Ivy, When They Are Both Full Grown
    Of All The Trees That Are In The Wood, The Holly Bears The Crown

    Chorus: O The Rising Of The Sun And The Running Of The Deer
    The Singing Of Robin Redbreast When Merry Yule Draws Near

    The Ivy And The Holly, When They Are Both Full Grown
    Of All The Trees That Are In The Wood, The Ivy Bears The Gown


    Traditional English Carol, Words slightly altered by Steven Posch-Coward
    Published in Songs for the Winter Solstice 1982, by Prodea in Minneapolis, MN


  • Fire Soul (December '97)
    Fire, Fire, Soul's Desire · Changer Change Me
    Burning, Burning, Higher

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr. with Paula Fasbenner

    Thank You Mother Earth (November '97)
    Thank You , Mother Earth.Thank You, Sister Waters
    Thank You, For My Birth. From Your Sons And Daughters
    (Thank You, From Your Daughter)*
    Thank You, Brother Sun. Thank You, Air-In-Motion
    Thank You, Everyone- Earth, Sun, Air, And Ocean!

    By Susan Arrow copyright 1985, Recorded On Welcome Sweet Pleasure * This was the original verse, altered for mixed groups

    Pentagram Chant (November '97)
    Hey, Ho Pentagram Glow. Guard This Hearth,
    This Home, This Land And We Shall Be
    M e r r y

    Words by Selena Fox of
    Circle Sanctuary. Music Traditional
    There are other verses and you may hear them on the Circle Magick Music tape, copyright 1977.

  • Waters Of Life (November '97)
    Water, Waters Of Life
    Gentle Rain, Soft Mist, And Tidal Pools
    Hot Beating Blood- Cool Ocean Deeps
    Water Of Wonder, Mystery Of Our Hearts
    Water Of Wonder, Mystery Of Our Hearts

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.


  • Spell To Banish (October '97)
    By the warmth of the sun. By the baby's cry
    By the lambs on the hill I banish thee
    By the sweetness of the song
    By the warm rain falling
    By the hum of grass Begone.
    I banish thee Begone

    Words by Jeni Couzyn. Music by Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Samhain's Revels (October '97)
    Come! Come! Samhain Revels, Summer's End
    Sing! Dance! Celebration For The Dead
    Pour! Pour! The Libation For The Dead
    Life! Death! Part The Veil, Summer's End

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Fly, Fly, Fly (September '97)
    Fly, Fly, Fly. The Leaves Are Leaving The Branch
    Cold Are The Winds. Winter Is Coming

    Peter Erdely, Recorded on Libana's A Circle Is Cast CD


    Hecate, Cerridwen (September '97)
    Hecate, Cerridwen. Dark Mother Take Us In
    Hecate, Cerridwen. Let Us Be Reborn

    By Patricia Witt On Chants-Ritual Music tape, Reclaiming

    Cernnunos Call (September '97)
    Stag Horned Hunter, Hunted One - Join Us Now
    Greenwood Lord Of Life And Death - Join Us Now
    Herne And Pan And Every Man - Join Us Now

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Panpipe)

    I Will Be Gentle (August '97)
    I Will Be Gentle With Myself. I Will Love Myself
    I Am A Child Of The Universe Being Born Each Moment

    Source Unknown, Recorded on Libana's Fire Within CD

    Earth Spirits Chant (August '97)
    Guardians Of The Dreamtime, Shapes And Forms. Roots Of The Mountain, Silent And Deep.
    Earth Spirits Dreaming, Awaken To Our Touch. Shapers Of The Crystal, Shapers Of The Leaf, Shapers Of The Valley Beneath Our Feet.

    Written by Jim E. Dickinson, Ivo Dominguez, Jr., Michael G. Smith, Nancy G. Stewart, & James C. Welch during the Ice Storm of '94 at Seelie Court.

    The Ocean Is The Beginning (August '97)
    The Ocean Is The Beginning Of The Earth. The Ocean Is The Beginning Of The Earth. All Life Comes From The Sea. All Life Comes From The Sea.

    By Delaney Johnson & Starhawk On Chants-Ritual Music tape

    We All Come From The Goddess (July '97)
    We All Come From The Goddess And To Her We Shall Return
    Like A Drop Of-- Rain Flowing To The Ocean

    By Z. Budapest (1971)

    Epona- Song For The Horse Goddess (July '97)
    Waves Crash, Hoof Beats On The Sand - Epona
    Winds Gust, Manes Ablaze Go Free - Epona
    White Mare, Spirit Of The Wild - Epona

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Isis, Astarte, Diana (July '97)
    Isis, Astarte, Diana
    Hecate, Demeter, Kali - Innana

    By Deena Metzger

    Endless Eternal (June '97)
    Endless Eternal, Powers Of The Night- Endless Eternal, Powers Of The Day
    Endless Eternal, By Dusk And By Dawn - Come To Us Now, Come To Us Now
    We Who Live In Time. We Who Live And Die - We Who Live In Time. We Who Cross The Veil
    We Who Live In Time. Are Here And Are There - Flow Through Us Now, Flow Through Us Now

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Lugh Lamhfada (Lugh Of The Long Arm) (June '97)
    Lugh Lamhfada, Sage Of Skill - Sun And Harvest, Spear Of Will
    Lugh Lamhfada, With Your Might - Bring Us Blessings Bright

    By Damiara

    Horned One, Lover, Son (June '97)
    Horned One, Lover, Son - Leaper In The Corn
    Deep In The Mother - Die And Be Reborn

    By Buffalo
    On Welcome To Annwfn, Forever Forest, 1986

    Blood Of The Ancients (May '97)
    It's The Blood Of The Ancients : That Runs Through Our Veins
    And The Forms Pass : But The Circle Of Life Remains

    By Ellen Klaver & Charlie Murphy

    And The Wheel Turns (May '97)
    And The -- Wheel Turns : Never Ending
    New And Old And New Again

    By Damiara

    Unity Trance (May '97)
    Come And Be One : Become One
    Be One. Be

    An excerpt from Freedom & Tyo's larger works. Taught to us by Laughing Starheart.

    Morrigan (Apr. '97)
    Crone Of Transformation, Morrigan : Endings Bring Creation, Morrigan
    Crone Of Transformation, Morrigan : Endings Bring Creation, Morrigan

    By Damiara

    The Lady's Bransle (Apr. '97)
    Oh She Will Bring The Buds In The Spring : And Laugh Among The Flowers
    In Summer's Heat Her Kisses Are Sweet : She Sings In Leafy Bowers
    She Cuts The Cane And Gathers The Grain : When Fruits Of Fall Surround Her
    Her Bones Grow Old In Wintry Cold : She Wraps Her Cloak Around Her

    Words by Hope, Music Traditional on the Songs for the Old Religion tape

    Praise To Danu (Mar. '97)
    Praise To Danu, Mother Of All Living Things : Praise To Danu, Ancient As The Earth And Sea : Praise To Danu, Nourishing Green Lady : Praise To Danu, Abundant Let Us Be

    By Damiara

    Back To The River (Mar. '97)
    Back To The River, Back To The Sea : Back To The Ocean, One With Thee /\ Back To My Blood, And Back Through My Veins : Back To My Heartbeat, One And The Same : Back To The Forest, Back To The Fields : Back To The Mountains, Her Body Revealed : Back To My Bones, Back To My Skin : Back To My Spirit, The Fire Within

    By Abbi Spinner (1st verse & tune) with additional verses by Laughing Starheart

    Call To The Moons (Mar. '97)
    Dark Moon, We Hear You Call Us : Bright Moon, We Call Your Name : Crescent Moon, We Sing With You : Crescent Moon, We Sing With You

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr - Panpipe

    We Are A Circle (Feb '97)
    We Are A Circle : Within A Circle : With No Beginning : And Never Ending

    By Rich Hamouris (on "Welcome To Annwfn", Forever Forests, 1986)

    Holy Well & Sacred Flame (Feb '97)
    Holy Well And Sacred Flame : Maiden, Mother, And Crone : Bright One Be Here : Bright One Be Here

    Reclaiming Chant, Expanded By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Hail The Elements (Feb '97)
    Hail, Hail The Wind It Blows : Hail, Hail The Fire Glows : Hail, Hail The Water Flows : Hail, Hail The Earth It Grows /\ Hail, Hail, The Spirit Knows

    By Giani Siri

    Holy Earth Mother (Jan '97)
    Holy Earth Mother : Flesh Of The World : Quicken And Kindle : With The Seeds Of Birth

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.

    Air I Am (Jan '97)
    Air I Am : Fire I Am : Water, Earth And : Spirit I Am

    By Andras Corban Arthen


    Sun Return (Dec. '96)
    Long Night : Dark Of The Sun : Cold Wind The Year Is Done -- Long Night : We Face The Dark : Cold Wind You Fan The Spark -- Sun Light : The Rising Sun : Dark Wind Your Work Is Done -- Oh Sun Return Turning Wheel : Hope Reborn! : Oh Sun Return : Turning Wheel Hope Reborn!

    By Ivo Dominguez, Jr.