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Angela's Clouds

My name is Angela, I'm 24 years old from Tennessee.
I hope ya'll enjoy your visit. Have fun & look around a bit!
P.S. Please remember one of my best friends
Kristy, in your her fight with breast cancer. :)

The Good Stuff

Family Pictures
Friends Pictures
Read My Poetry
Angel in Heaven, Scotty
Read My Personal Life
Save Our Children
Webpages of Family & Friends

The Fun Stuff

Yummy Recipes
Stress Relief
Snappy Comebacks
Is your Computer Male or Female?
Stages of Life *funny*


The Dance

Have you ever watched kids on a
merry-go-round, or listened to
rain slapping the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's
erratic flight, or gazed at the sun
fading into the night?
You better slow down, don't dance
so fast, time is short,
the music won't last.

Do you run through each day on
the fly, when you ask, "How are
you?", do you hear the reply?
When the day is done, do you lie
in your bed, with the next hundred
chores running through your head?
You better slow down, don't dance
so fast, time is short,
the music won't last.

Ever told your child, we'll do it
tomorrow, and in your haste,
not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch, let a good
friendship die, 'cause you never had
time to call and say "hi"?
You better slow down, don't dance
so fast, time is short,
the music won't last.

When you run so fast to get
somewhere, you miss half the
fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through
your day, it's like an unopened
gift thrown away.
Life is not a race, so take it slower,
hear the music before
your song is over.

I'm going to be off of the Internet for a while, so my Webpage won't be changing that much for a while. Whenever I'm around at one of my friend's houses, I'll check my guestbook signings, so please still sign.