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Easy Coffee Mug Doily

Designed by Mk A Chain

January 1998 ©

Materials: #10 bedspread weight cotton thread in color of your choice

Size 6 metal hook

Worked in rounds

Chain 4- join with slip stitch to first chain forming loop.

Round 1

Chain 3 (counts as first dc here and throughout) DC into loop of chain 4 space (19x)=20 dc in loop

Round 2

Chain 3- DC in same stitch (2 dc in one stitch) DC 2x in each space across to end then join with sl st to 3rd chain of beginning chain 3.

Round 3

Chain 5 (counts as dc and chain 2 space) Skip dc then *(DC in next dc, chain 2) continue from *across to end. Join with sl st to 3rd chain of beginning chain 5.

Round 4

Slip stitch into next sc, chain 3. (DC 2x more in chain 2 space=counts as 3 dc) Chain 2 *(3 DC in next chain 2 space, chain 2) continue from *across to end. Join with sl st to 3rd chain for first dc.

Round 5

Slip stitch in next 2 dc and in next chain 2 space, chain 3. DC 2x more in chain 2 space. *(Chain 3, skip 3 dc and DC 3x in next chain 3 space, chain 3) continue from *across to end. Join with sl st in 3rd chain of first dc.

Round 6

*Slip stitch in next dc (sl st in next stitch - chain 3- sl st back into same stitch= Picot made) Sl st in next dc *

(5 sc in next chain 3 space then from * to *)<---- repeat across to end. Join with sl st to first sl st.

Finish off by using needle to sew in loose ends.

Make one for each of your favorite coffee mugs!


Demitasse Cup Doily

designed by Mk A Chain

March 1998 ©

This is an easy to follow pattern worked in rounds.

Materials size 10 cotton thread, size 5 metal hook

Chain 4, slst in first chain making a loop

Round 1 Ch 3 (counts as first dc here and throughout) dc into center of loop 15 times, connect with slst to 3rd chain of chain 3 dc=(16dc)

Round 2 Ch 5 (counts as first tr)tr in slst from previous row, ch 2 , *2 tr in next st, ch 2. Repeat from * around to end. Slst in 5th chain of first tr=(34tr)

Round 3 Slst in next 2 tr then (working in chain 2 sp) ch 3, 2dc in chain 2 space (counts as 3 dc) chain 2, *3 dc in next ch 2 sp, ch 2. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst in 3rd chain of dc.

Round 4 Slst in next 2 dc, ch 5, 2 tr in chain 2 space, ch 3. *3 tr in next chain 2 space, ch 3. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst in 3rd chain of first dc.

Round 5 Ch 1, sc in same stitch, sc in next 2 tr, 3 sc in chain 3 space. *Sc in next 3 tr, 3 sc in next chain 3 space. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst to first sc.

Round 6 Slst in next 4 sc. *Ch 6, slst into 2nd sc in chain 3 space. Repeat from * to finish round.

Round 7 Slst 3x. *Ch 6, slst into loop of chain 6 space. Repeat from * to finish round.

Round 8 Slst into 1st chain. Ch 3, 4 dc into chain 6 loop. Ch 2, 5 dc into same chain 6 loop. *5 dc into next chain 6 loop, ch 2, 5 dc into same dhain 6 loop. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst into 3rd chain of 1st dc.

finish off by sewing ends into work


Ruffled Teacup Doily

designed by Mk A Chain

March 1998 ©

Simple doily worked in rounds.

Materials #10 cotton thread, #5 metal hook

Ch 4. Slst in 1st chain, forms a loop.

Round 1 - Ch 3 (counts as first dc). Dc 15x into chain 4 loop. Slst to 3rd chain of first dc.

Round 2 - Ch 5 (counts as first tr). Tr into same stitch. Ch 2 *2 tr into next dc, ch 2. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst in 5th chain of first tr.

Round 3 - Slst in next tr & into chain 2 sp. Ch 5, 2 tr in chain 2 sp, ch 3. *3 tr in next chain 2 sp, ch 3. Repeat from * to finish round. Slst in 5th chain of first tr.

Round 4 - Slst into next tr, ch 6, sc into next chain 3 sp, ch 3.

*Skip next tr, dc in next tr, ch 3, sc in next chain 3 sp, ch 3.

Repeat from * to finish round. Slst in 3rd chain of first chain 6.

Round 5 - Ch 3, dc 2x back into same stitch. Ch 4, sc into sc on previous round. Ch 4, *3 dc. into dc on previous round. Dh 4, sc into next sc, ch 4. Repeat from * around to end. Slst into 3rd chain of first dc.

Round 6 - Slst in space between first chain 3 dc on previous round & 2nd dc. Ch 3, dc in same sp, ch 2. *2dc in sp between center dc on previous round & 3rd dc. 3 dc in chain 4 sp, dc in sc on prevous round, 3 dc in chain 4 sp.

*2 dc in sp between first & middle dc, ch 2. 2 dc in sp between middle & 3rd dc on previous round. 3 dc n chain 4 sp. Dc in sc on prevous round. 3 dc in chain 4 sp. Repeat from * around to end. Slst in 3rd chain of first dc.

Round 7 - Ch 1, sc into same stitch. Sc into next dc

*sc in ch 2 sp, ch 3, slst back into sc > Picot made. Sc into ch 2 sp.* Sc in each stitch around to next chain 2 sp.

(Repeat from * to * then sc in each stitch to next ch 2 sp. Continue to finish round the slst to first sc)

Finish off & sew in loose ends.


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I enjoy the company!

These are my first patterns so please let me know if reading it is easy.


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Bella Cosa ~