Philosophy of the Doughnut

Optimist : Sees the doughnut, not the hole.

Pessimist : Sees the hole, not the doughnut.

Realist : Sees both the doughnut and the hole.

Diplomat : Talks through the hole.

Dreamer : Only cares for the icing on the doughnut.

English Teacher : Checks the spelling of "doughnut."

Baker : His job is to make the doughnut.

Brady : His job is to make dough for Uncle Sam.

Mathematician : Is only interested in the topological properties of the doughnut.

Programmer : Worries that the crumbs will fall between the keys on the keyboard.

FORTRAN Programmer : Name "DOUGHNUT" too long.


Prolog Programmer : What is the domain of the doughnut?

BASIC Programmer : ? "doughnut";

PL/1 Programmer : DO NUT = ...

C Programmer : (void) doughnut()

Material Res. MTS : Invents new materials for making doughnut.

Astrophysicist : Postulates new doughnut hole in NGC256 galaxy.

NASA physicist : Recalls doughnut he forgot on the Hubble telescope.

Transmission Engr : Worries about how he can send you the doughnut.

Traffic Engr : Worries about how many he can send at one time.

Provisioning Engr : Worries about how to pack them in a box.

Planning Engr : Opens refrigerator to check how many there are.

Corporate Assets : Puts a barcode on the doughnut.

Project Manager : Worries about doughnut deliverable dates.

Businessman : One who sells you the doughnut.

Successful Businessman : One who takes the money, making you think that you already have the doughnut.

Very Successful Businessman : Makes you pay for the hole too.

User : Wants a doughnut.

Systems Engineer : Writes specifications for a bagel.

Systems Developer : Produces a tire tube. Then we plan for Release 2.

Capitalism : You buy a doughnut.

Socialism : The State gives you a doughnut.

Communism : The State sells you a doughnut.

Soviet Communism : The State sells you a doughnut, only there aren't any.

Labour Party Socialism : The State sells you a doughnut, only there aren't any, and it's all the Tories' fault.

Trades Union socialism : The State sells you a doughnut, and you go on strike.

Marxism : The State takes your doughnut away and gives it to someone who hasn't got a doughnut.

Stalinism : The State takes your doughnut away, eats it, and tells you that they gave it to someone who hadn't got a doughnut.

Bureaucracy : The State takes your doughnut away and then refuses to let you buy another doughnut because you already have one.

Fascism : The Storm-troopers eat your doughnut and shoot you.

Islam : The religious police beat you up and chop your hands off.

Thascism : You sell a doughnut and buy a bigger doughnut.

Thatcher : Nutritionally, Doughnuts are up 50% in real terms over the doughnuts produced during the last Labour government, etc.

Kinnock : Nutritionally, Doughnuts are down 50% in real terms over the doughnuts produced during the last Labour government, etc.

Edwina Currie : Doughnuts are infected with salmonella, tarantella, cinderella, valpolicella, winecella, rockefella etc.

Church of England : You know, in a very real sense, God is a doughnut.

Buddhism : God is a doughnut, and God is not a doughnut.

Confuscianism : Confuscius he say doughnut.

Zen : What is the sound of one doughnut clapping?

Catholicism : The priest blesses the doughnut and you mustn't chew it.

Christianity : I was hungry, and ye gave me a doughnut.

Fundamentalism : Doughnuts are an abomination unto the Lord, etc.

Dictatorship : Buy a doughnut, or else.

Mis-spelt : U bi er donut an u eet itt.

Scottish Nationalist : Ye wanna knaa aboot doughnuts? It's cos of they bastard English, that's why, an' fuck off the noo.

Welsh Nationalist : Onid oes chwarae maesteg doughnut llanfairpwll defaid.

Feminist : Wimmin, doughnut, repressed, sisters, male dominated, etc.

Loony : You are a doughnut. I am a doughnut. I am not a doughnut.

Poetry : You are/a doughnut./I am/a doughnut./I am/not /a doughnut.

Football : 'Ere we dough, 'ere we dough, 'ere we dough, 'ere we dough, etc.

Swimming : Blug blug blug blug fluffle doughnublug blug.

Cricket : Thanks to Mrs Emily Crunge of Lanarkshire for sending me these delicious cream doughnuts. I don't think there's been a >chomp< doughnut article quite like this since Flapjack posted one for the West Indies in 1823, and he >chew< went on to win the series by four wickets. He was left-handed, of course...

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