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Purpose of this website!

It is our desire to help others with problems or questions related to nursing homes, Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care insurance, patient rights, advance treatment directives, etc.

Please explore this site for answers to your questions regarding nursing homes or a related topic. If you have a state specific question, please call your state ombudsman. No question is a dumb question when it involves a loved one. This web site is here to help you! A free service, no strings attached. We care for the elderly and want to make sure they ALL get the best care possible.


Gary Hickerson, LAPSW MSSW (25+ years experience as a nursing home Social Worker)

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Nursing Home Information Site

Awards and Recognition

This site was mentioned on TV show "Dateline MSNBC" and referred to on the "Dateline MSNBC Website" as a source for accurate and complete nursing home information!MSNBC    Dateline NBC

Other Honors / Awards


** These awards are shown to assure you that the information contained in this site is reliable based on reviews, awards and honors received from credible sources.