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TTT1 tn

: Time To Think - 'Where The Hell Is Andrew?' 7'' e.p.

TTT2&3 tn

: Academy 23 - 'Relationships' LP + 7''

no logo yetTTT4: C.D.S. - 'The C.D.S. E.P.' 7'' e.p. (Never released)

TTT5 tn

: Academy 23 - 'Kampfbereit' CD

Okay, I've waffled a bit here, but I write this to suggest that if you want to release a record, you deal with the pressing plant yourself and not through a third party and that you use somebody with a good reputation.

After the release of TTT1, further releases were severly plagued with misfortune.

TTT2&3 was pressed and released int the U.S.A. under the supervision of Brian Circle of Black Plastic Records who said that he could produced this package at a far cheaper rate than we could over here. The initial quotes seemed reasonable. The plan was then to ship over records to the U.K. as I required them. However, soon after the bills for pressing were received I realised that the idea of getting cheap production was not being fulfilled which I was quite pissed off about but I'd made my bed as they say. After receiving what I'm sure was less than 200 LP/7'' (1000 were pressed) Brian all of a sudden ceased writing and he hasn't done so since. I don't know what happened to him even to this day meaning 800 LP/7''s have not been accounted for which meant a major financial loss for myself.

Worse was to follow. After being given the address by a colleague (who I hold absoultely no blame towards for the following), I decided to press to next two releases, TTT4 and TTT5, at Sonic Productions of 24B Haven Green, Ealing, West London. We went over there and found that they were offering a pretty good deal for the pressing of the 7'' and the full production of the cd package. I therefore handed over my cash. After about a month around 400 cds were collected since thats all that could be physically carried from their premises. I received a phone call a week or two later asking us to collect the remainder of the cds. The 7'' was not mentioned which should have made me suspicious, but didn't. I told them that I'd pick them up when I had the rest of the money which I though was fair despite the fact it may be a month down the line. A month passes, I have the money, ring the studio and find the phone cut off. I go to Companies House in London to find they have not been keeping up payments and the people involved had disappeared. After speaking to some legal advisors it transpired that I had no leg to stand on. Thus, only 400 TTT5 are released and TTT4 was never released. I can cope with the former, but the latter left me highly embarrassed since this was to be the groups only non cassette release. Around a year later, the guy who ran Sonic has the audacity to send us flyers for his new company Boom Studios of the same address as Sonic. I thought I might have got a second chance. I ring him to find that he considers Sonic matters to be 'done and dusted' and that I could not get hold of my releases since the liquidator had solved all Sonic matters. Criminal revenge came to mind for a while, but the thought of getting caught didnt appeal so unfortunately the saga had to end here.
