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Founded: 1998

Founder: Aradia: Knoxville,TN

NOTICE: ARADIA'S LAIR IS CLOSED~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are not taking any new members, the group has been closed indefinately due to manager health issues.

Aradia's Lair was founded in early 1998 on nothing more that a hope & a dream. Full operation, began in September of 1998 & Aradia's Lair was home to over 100 members both online & locally. As a "spin off" of the group the Alliance, founded by Sage in Castle Rock, we've broken off on our own to simply dedicate ourselves to the Wiccan religion & other alternative religions. Aradia's Lair works strictly as an outlet for educating those who wish to know about our religion with confidence that no one will be judged based on their beliefs. By offering this service to those who wish to open their minds & learn, we take one step closer to obliterating discrimination & violence based on religious preferences. To see a list of the anti-discrimination organizations & other organizations we support, check out the links in our directory.

We would like to tell you that Aradia's Lair is one of the best Wiccan discussion groups online for the simple reason that every post made by the founder or directors is the result of hours of work, study, & research. We send out surveys to our members in hopes of finding out where their interests lie so that we can cater to their needs, wants, prevent redundancy, & to get the members actively involved in their learning. Also, founders & directors & more than willing to help any member whether it be by answering questions, giving moral support, giving pep talks, or just listening no matter what the subject. Aradia's Lair is not just our group, it is every member's group.

Aradia's Lair operates via email through our list server, Yahoo (formerly E-Groups). The subscription & the service are totally free to everyone. In an effort to further increase our knowledge of the Wiccan religion & it's ways of life, topics are generally sent out once a week. Topics range in subjects from Astral Projection to Wiccan History. Occasionally, topics of long duration become "sub topics" that way the member's continue to get the information without holding up the rest of the topics. There are also "off topic" discussions, usually initiated by the members. Aradia's Lair does have simple yet very effective protocol that each member must adhere to. If you feel that Aradia's Lair is the group for you, please take a moment to look over our protocol (the link for this may be found in the directory)& if you would like to be a part of a group that takes pride in it's simplicity & dedication, simply click the "Join" link!

If you have any questions or comments about this site or Aradia's Lair please feel free to mail us! But, if you don't want to spend time writing out a letter to us & don't feel like signing the guestbook then take some time to post a message on the forum & let us know how we are doing and what we can do to make this a better, more effecient site.

Until we meet again.........

**Don't forget to vote for our site here!**

Current Moon Phase

Heros come in many forms from friends to loved ones- cherish these people that guide you, even when they doubt themselves for they are truly the ones that make us see our inner strengh in our darkest times. Thank you Sage for being my hero, showing me my inner strength & for teaching me that the stars really do hold all the answers.

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Aradia's Lair Voicemail: 1-888-392-4832 ext: 291-355-9359. Please leave email address for response!
Also, please spell your email address-sometimes the system doesn't understand plain english!

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Have faith in the powers that be, in yourself, & be true to not only yourself & those that you love but to your beliefs as well.