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 I chose the Faery Tradition and not Faery Wicca because I have had an affinity for the wee folk since I was quite young and I am not one for strict form.  The shamanistic approach of the Faery Tradition allows me the freedom I need to combine my work with the Fae and the old Celtic ways on a more personal level. 

 When I call the elements to cast my circle, I call upon the king of each elemental spirit from the Fey world.  Gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, and undines are the beings that represent each of the corners  (north to west).  The individual kings are King Ghob of the gnomes, King Paralda of the sylphs, King Djinn of the salamanders, and King Niksa of the undines.  These four elemental kings help form and protect my circle and help in any magical workings I may do in circle. 

 When it comes to specific needs or energies, I then call upon the faeries that provide that type of energy.  With faeries, though, you actually ask for their help, you do not just call them.  As the circle closes and the faeries are returning to their realm, one leaves an offering of fresh milk or butter in bowls not poured on the ground.  

 I am also studying the Faery Tradition as taught by Francesca De Grandis in her book "To Be A Goddess! A Guide to Celtic Spells and Wisdom for Self-Healing, Prosperity and Great Sex" and will incorporate this into my work as well.