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This is my oldest grandson, John Michael.
He is 13 in this picture. He is 15 now.

StuartThis is Stuart.

He is 14. The picture is one year old.
Stuart, John Michael and Caroline are sons
and daughter of my son John and Helen.

This is Caroline. The picture was
taken several years ago. She is 18 now.

Erika Erika. She is 8 in this picture.
She is 10 now and in the 6th grade.
See her poetry in my poetry section
of this web site.

Erica is the daughter of my daughter
Lisa and Jeff.
For a close up image of Erika
Click on the picture for an enlargement.

.Erika & Snow Fun.Click here to see Erika and her dog enjoying the winter snow.

Baby angels Please protect my grandchildren
and give them guidance.

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