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© bj chaplin and The Urban Journal. The article below was recreated for readability.

Vol. 2, No. 29

Candidates using Internet for cost-effective campaigning

by B.J. Chaplin

Ten years ago, who'd have thought the old door-to-door, loud speaker and cardboard-sign method of campaigning would be replaced by campaigning on the Web. Well, it hasn't happen yet but some candidates are side stepping traditional forms of campaigning for cyberspace campaigning.

A growing number of Metro candidates have expanded their public exposure to the Internet in order to win more votes. They said voters who access a candidate's Web site will probably vote Aug. 5.

Today, besides phone numbers and street addresses, many candidates have listed fax numbers and e-mail addresses as means of reaching them.

The League of Women Voters' Smart Voter™ homepage ( is a Web site where voters can find out about most candidates. Listed as well are e-mail addresses, Web site addresses, street addresses and phone numbers of Metro candidates. The Web site has links for voter registration, sample ballots and a mail-in registration form, which can be downloaded, designed by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

But how effective is campaigning on the Internet? Mayoral candidate Leonard Morgan said that his Web site has received about 3,000 hits since it was first established. "As many that have visited my site only about 4 or 5 have responded," Morgan said. "I think you get a lot of exposure, but you don't get that many responses."

The effectiveness of campaigning on the Internet can't be determined until Aug. 5, says mayoral candidate Murray J. Philip. Philip says he's not sure how effective campaigning on the Internet is on whites but said, "I know it isn't effective on blacks." Murray stated that "only 6% of blacks vote" anyway and that "blacks of all income levels have not bought into computers as much as whites."

Cyrus Booker, an African-American candidate for vice mayor who has a Web site, felt otherwise. "It's a good way of reaching a large number of people," said Booker, who adds "it's certainly a much more efficient way of [campaigning]."

"Probably right now it's still new and not so many people are knowledgeable and using the Internet," commented council-at-large incumbent Leo Waters. Having a web site is also inexpensive, candidates say. Morgan said that his site only costs him about $5 a month. Booker added, "In addition to being cost effective, it's more efficient."

The candidates interviewed generally agree that the Internet is the means of campaigning for the year 2000 and beyond.

"I think it's certainly the campaign procedure of the future," said council-at-large incumbent Leo Waters. Booker felt the same. "We haven't used [the Internet] as extensively as we will in future campaigns." "I think it's going to be an important part of campaigning in the future," said Morgan.

Who knows what the future holds for online campaigning. We can only speculate. But imagine not only campaigning online, but voting online. Money would be saved and time would be saved from having to go out to the polls to vote. You can already send many candidates e-mail, which saves the cost of paper, envelopes, and stamps that are required to mail your constituents. Maybe future candidates will give their speeches online. Perhaps instead of televising debates, candidates will go head-to-head online.

Technology could change the face of campaigning forever. For now, we'll just have to wait and see where the future takes us. Here is a list of some of the candidates who have web sites or e-mail addresses:


L. Best

Richard M. Frank

Richard H. Fulton

Leonard Morgan

Murray J. Philip

Bill Purcell

Jay West

Vice Mayor

Cyrus Booker

Tim Garrett

Frank Harrison

Ronnie Steine

Council at Large

David Briley

Luvenia Harrison Butler

Adam Dread

Chris Ferrell

Howard C. Gentry, Jr.

Russell L. Parham, Jr.

Chuck Sanford

Leo Waters

Council District 1

Brenda Gilmore

Council District 2

Laura Fortier

Council District 17

Ronnie Greer

Council District 19

Danny Harris

Brianna Latham

Ludye N. Wallace

Council District 21

John (Sonny) Crump

Debra D. Joyce

Keith A. Pitts

Council District 29

Tommy Bradley

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