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Kiddy Kult

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Well if you come here...thanx....and i hope you enjoy!

This is a page for my band Kiddy Kult and all the internet places we find cool.

Kiddy Kult is a Heavy Rock band....we are extremely good and if you want a copy of our demo e-mail Jon here

Journal of the Kiddy Kult

Kiddy Kult is: Francis/Vocals Justin Coleman/Lead Guitar Jon Hammons/Bass David Singleton/Precussionand Eric Johnson/Keyboard

"Kiddy Kult as it is called now, began almost 1 year ago in redneck infested Halls Tennessee.This is where two people decided it was time to start a band. Thoes two people were Justin Coleman and Jon Hammons As we all know, two does not a band make. So they enlisted a friend by the name of Francis Francis's voice fit in perfectly with the type of music Jon and Justin wanted to play, which was hard heavy loud as hell rock (or at least thats as best as we can explain it). But something...namely a percussionist was missing. So Jon and Justin Suggested Dave Singleton. Dave had been a friend of Jon & justins since early childhood. So they were already aquainted. Everyone knew each other from the area highskool known as Halls High. If you aren't into the same stuff as the majority of the people at halls (namely sports, preppy people, rednex or country music) this really wasn't a place you want to be. Dave took alot of shit his freshmen year and to this day wants to find every motherfucker that messed with him and beat the tar out of em. The others had a little bit easier time. The band began writting original music...if i'm not mistaken "For Ever Never Dies" was the first complete original song. The lack of decent equipment made for some pretty shitty soundung recording, none the less the begining of a very kick ass band was in the making. More and more originals began to come together and the band mananged to get in a practice 2 times a week. However a small misunderstanding got Dave (temporarily) thrown out of the band which at the time was called Creep. Creep enlisted the talents of Jerimiah Marrow, a junior at the time, who had exceptionaly good skills on the drumset. He managed to generate a couple of tunes and a demo tape in the 2 month period he was there. Meanwhile Dave was busy laying down tracks on his newly purchased track recorder. Itt was purchased for him by his rents who were tired of seeing him lose band mates. luck would have it...Jer Marrow proved to be very unreliable when it came to showing up to practice. Everyone was getting mixed feelings about Jer. So a couple days later Justin asked his friend and former drummer if he'd like to fill in for Jer at a potential gig at a local place called Neptunes. Naturally, he agreed. There was no Neptunes show though...nor was there ever the return of Jer Marrow. DAve was back in Creep. Francis Jon Justin and Dave..began intensively preparing for shows they were desperately trying to get. more and more originals were written.They were at their "creative peak". everything was looking very good. Jon had managed to get some extremely good equipment (halfstack and other such goodies) Justin was improving intensively on guitar as was Francis on vocals and Dave on drums. Plus the 4 track came in handy as well...providing very crisp and clean recording of all the bands new and old songs. Creep also needed a new name. "Creep" itself seemed to over used. names came and went. names like Last Caress and the 16 Sedatives. Hell even Kiddy Kult may change sometime. Either way, out of all the names conguered up Kiddy Kult seemed pretty smooth sounding so it stuff. (for the moment). So here you have Kiddy Kult, a unique band in its self. With many different styles and influences converging into one creative mass of energy music and words. Welcome My Friends. Enjoy the Show. Kiddy Kult Will Now Take The Stage

If you want sound files in real audio format contact dave here

Band Bio's (self written)

Justin Coleman: My jak wab geetar skillz are a fundamentel part of the band. I was born in Youngstown, Ohio. My pet duck donny wants to talk now. (Donny) Hi! I'm donny, Donny Brook. I am doll parts. DEFTONES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric Johnson: I paly keyboard very badly, but they still let me do it. I basically have no life, but....

J0N Hammons: I am the bassist and creator of the page and stuff. I think we rock and if u dont well im sorry but....we DO!!!! well thats all...bye.

David Singleton: I am the drummer. You might say the back bone of the band. Me James Justin and Jon.. We are bad ass mother fuckas..and you are to. now i want you to say it.. "I am a bad ass mother fucker. Oh yeah I have RA. KiddyKult Songs Email me. My Fists are lined with suckas. cause I'm a mushroom cloud layin muthafucka, muthafucka! GooDByE >:)

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