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The Information Page

Featured Artist : Geoffrey Darin Wheeler

Mr. Wheeler began painting at age 16. His first airbrush was a Paasche VL that his parents bought for his birthday. Unable to find any "how-to" information on airbrushing, Mr. Wheeler became a self-taught artist. There were no books or videos on the subject creating a difficult task for the young artist.

It was during this period that he met a man named Wendall Cooley at a local mall selling his work to the shopping population. He visited Wendall every chance he could, studying his techniques and style. After a while, Wendall allowed Geoffrey to take orders for him until he finally felt confident to go it on his own.

Many years later through hard work and patience, he landed an endorsement with Excalib-Air Paints. That arrangement allowed Mr. Wheeler to mingle with the top artists in the country. His unique style caught the eye of many of his peers. Some artists worth noting were Mark Rush, Don Ashwood, Terry Hill, and the man Mr. Wheeler feels most indebted to, Troy Michael Pierce. During his 5 year relationship with Excalib-Air, Geoffrey learned the ropes about the fine art of producing a superior product from William Edwards.

He held his first exhibit in New York City at LaBar Bat on 57th Street with overwhelming response. Poster ad work followed. He was also introduced to Scott Chester, the owner of Acid Paintwork & Graphics that put him to work on customizing bikes, helmets, jetskis and more.

Now he is here on the World Wide Web and the response has been tremendous. We are very excited to offer you Mr. Wheeler's prints, and custom work. All pieces on this website are for sale (serious inquiries only). Please e-mail us for more information or just to give us your comments. Your opinion is important to us!.
Thank you

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All Images are copyrighted 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, & 2001 G.D. Wheeler -
No image may be used without prior consent of the artist G.D. Wheeler

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The images available at the Darin Wheeler Studios web site are copyrighted material. They are made available for viewing only. You may not make reproduce or alter these images in any way. You may not distribute these images in any way, for free or for profit. You may use these images as wallpaper on your computer. You may distribute a link to the this site (in fact we encourage it), but only to the homepage of Darin Wheeler Studios: This restriction is in place so Darin Wheeler will receive credit for his work. By asking that people come to the homepage first to get the images, we ensure that they are given the opportunity to become familiar with the artist, purchase some of his works, and acknowledge Darin Wheeler as the artist of the image they are seeking.

Darin Wheeler can be reached by e-mail at:

This site maintained by of UltraDesigns - last update September 24, 2006
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 US Custom Art Studios