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David ~YardApe~ Yardley

David Yardley
P.O. Box 36
Strawberry Plains, TN 37871
office number

Hello and welcome to my website.

I love to make others laugh. I love sharing my stories and telling of God's faithfulness and grace. Thoughout my life, time and time again, I have found him to be faithful, and along the way I have picked up some wonderful stories.

Alot has happened since I last updated this page. I won the Grand Prize from The prize was a phone call from Bill himself! 4 front row tickets and 4 backstages passes. The above picture is from the concert I attended in Knoxville in April 2004.

I thank the Lord for the people I've met along the way. It is my desire to see the hurting and suffering people reminded that in Jesus there is hope and life. Even in the bad times you can still laugh and somehow find joy. There is life in Jesus Christ!

Below are some links to different pages, please take to time to browse through them and before you leave, please sign my guestbook so I will know you were here. Thanks and Take Care!

Come back often now, and remember, Keep Laughing!


p.s Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

History and Information

My Sweetheart!

My Pride & Joy!

My Hero's!


Sign My Guestbook View my Guestbook

Mark Lowry's reMarkable site

Email me

For Great Family Fun and Entertainment, check out the Website of the Comdey Barn. Click the link below!