Click on this Link to View Web Site in Memory of Bear (Boo Boo) Graham
A Few of My Favorite Web Sites
Peabody College at Vanderbilt University
Indiana University at South Bend
Pink Monkey
Puzzlemaker School Discovery
Hello! My name is Graylen Todd Graham. My mother named me Graylen after a little boy she use to baby-sit for in Gary Indiana. My grandmother named me Todd after Michael Todd the famous film director who was married to Elizabeth Taylor. I was born and raised in South Bend Indiana.
I have a bachelor's degree in Theology from a school in St. Paul MN. I also received a bachelor's of Science in Education and a master's of Science in Education from Indiana University. I received my second master's in education at Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. I majored in literacy. I took a leave of absence from teaching English and Intermediate Reading, from a high school in South Bend Indiana, in order to pursue my academic interests. While at Vanderbilt, my research was in the area of language and literacy in Education. I am still interested in how a student's home language, when it is a mismatch from the school's language, impacts school literacy performance. You will also find some links and pictures of myself and my lovely cats.
When I die, everything will be his.
Currently, I am teaching English at Fayette County High School(South Atlanta), GA. I am also very active in my fraternity (KAPPA ALPHA PSI). I am currently the chairman of my fraternity's scholarship committee. With such a busy schedule,I relieve stress by exercising (e.g., riding my bike, walking, lifting weights, dancing), attending & volunteering at church, hanging out with friends, working on community projects, and attending musicals & music concerts (e.g., jazz and R&B).
My birthday is 10/03/62. I love receiving greeting cards! :-) I am also a nonsmoker, non-drug user. I am 5:11 and 175 pounds. One day, I hope to find my soul mate with whom I can share a monogamous relationship with. I love beauty displayed on the outside as well as the inside. Pretty people with nasty attitudes turn me off. Nastiness is not an attractive attribute. "God don't like ugly, and he ain't particular about pretty either!" Daily, I am working out physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to mirror what I am looking for. I understand that no one is prefect but I firmly believe that some situations are better than others. I am looking for compatibility. Compatibility includes someone I can trust and respect. I don't like unnecessary confusion because equilibrium (being centered) is very important to me. I am a person who is driven on moving forward, and I avoid negative people who have the potential of being a stumbling block in my way. I firmly believe that people can be either part of the solution or part of the problem. I am a spiritual person that follows the passage of casting off any dead weight. I don't like or play games and don't have time for anyone who does. I have no patience for liars or insecure, sneaky, victimized people who lack self-respect and self-motivation. I like people who are "for real" and "bout it." In a world of fakes, it is refreshing to meet someone you can risk getting to know. I firmly believe that "It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not!" Respect is a mutual thing. I am a firm believer in self-respect. This is why I firmly believe in keeping the body, spirit, and intellect in good working healthy condition.
I also firmly believe that someone who has low self-esteem is a dangerous person to have around. It really bothers me when I see people who expect a lot from others but are not willing to strive for those same expectations in themselves. Like the song says, "something from nothing leads to nothing. You got to have something to be with me."
click here for my place of work
One of My Favorite Student s Web Page
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Alpharetta-Smyrna Alumni Chapter
Things Graylen Likes to do:
If you want to contact Graylen, click here.
The first day of school, I wanted to welcome my students into my our village. I firmly believe that it takes a whole village to raise a child