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Horse Lovers Headquarters
Your #1 Website in Horse Information!
Horse Lovers Headquarters
This website was made to give horse lovers a chance to meet other horse lovers; and for people who want to sell their horse,an opportunity to place their horse on the market, right here at this website! You may also quiz yourself on horses!! We hope that you will take the time to look around this website. And we also hope that you come back and see this site again!!!
Gaited Horses
The Basics of Horses
Our Thank You's
Famous Equine Quotes
Famous Horses
Save The Horses
Breeds of Horses
Stallion Ads
Our Photo Gallery
Cute Horse Stories
Fun Horse Picture
Win Our Award
Horses For Sale
Horse Terms
Care of The Horse
Message Board
HLH Chat
The HLH Web Poll
Contacting Us
Sign Our Guestbook

WE NEED YOUR HELP! We want Horse Lovers Headquarters to include more things about horses, but we're not that creative! We need your input about what sections we should add to HLH. Please leave comments and advice in the guestbook or e-mail it to right away! We're counting on you!
cool pages
Semi's News
Semi has been doing very well. Show season's over now, but the last show I showed her @ we won. ~yay~ I'm planning on breeding her to a Spotted Walking Horse in the spring, but I'm not sure to which stallion yet.

Rowdy's hooves finally grew out again, and he was making a lot of progress. I left him out in the pasture for about 30 mins., and he ate something that disagreed with his stomach. He coliced, and then several days after that he foundered. He is doing much better now, but I'm planning on giving him a break for a while.

Patches and I did very well this season. Show season will start back up again for us in April, and we're hoping to start the season out right! With a blue!

Some New Sections!

Since we are always adding new sections, we decided to put a space on our main page for the new sections. The links below are to sections that was have recently added. :o)
Create A Fun Horse Picture! In this, you can move the horses and the fence around to create your own picture. Don't worry, more will be coming soon!


This Page was last updated 1/14/01