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...Where I Like To Blabber About Anything...

¤ Saturday, June 30, 2001

Just another blabbering day:

The first day of blabberdom! Today was quite tranquil. I woke up at 11:00 and then went outside to sit in the sun until 3:30. Hence I got a really good sunburn! I hope it turns into a suntan rather than just be red then disappear. Everyone is gone this weekend. Renee is in North Carolina, Stephen is in California, Jesakah is at work (I think)... Monday I'll finally get to see everyone at band practice for the July 4th parade. It'll be great (maybe) to see certain people I haven't seen in a month! I hope I know my music! .... Later!!!

¤ Monday, July 2, 2001

The first band practice:

Dang, I gotta figure out some niftier titles! But anyway, today was the first offical day of band practice for the July 4th Parades. I guess it went pretty good: I got to see my friends, and Stephen :-) ...and then again, it turns out learning to march and play at the same time all over again is difficult at first! Maybe we'll sound better tomorrow.

¤ Tuesday, July 3, 2001

The second band practice:

Today was the second of our two band practices for the parades. I think we sounded MUCH better than we did yesterday! It was fun today because it started to ran and we had to go inside and sit and play, yay! And we also got to run through our show music. It's going to be one heck of a year! I just can't wait til tomorrow. Two parades, waking up at 6:45 to get there, playing "Stars and Stripes Forever" FOREVER... but it's all worth it... especially when all your friends are there and your bf too. Now that's great. Hmmmmmmmmm.......

Today is the Fourth of July, which means parades! Kingsport and Blountville. We marched both doing very well. I think this is the best we have sounded in a long time. I love marching in the Kingsport parade, I don't know why, it's just much cooler than being in the Blountville. And to think this is my last year marching in the parades. How sad =( But not to fret. There's still the Christmas parade... only 4 more days til we leave for vacation. Universal Orlando, staying at the HRC Hotel... that's what I'm talking about! How fun.....