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All About Yours Truly!!!

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The New Cougar Band Page

The Student Produced Cougar Band Page

A page of my messed up scanner pics, but very cool!

Me, Myself, and I


This picture of Stephen and me was taken at the prom this past year. It was very fun, and although I don't like to wear dresses, it was worth getting all prepped up for! We went out to eat at "The Vinyard" and had our pictures taken at the school before going to the actual prom site, the Bristol Country Club. Thanks to Renee's parents for taking me, Stephen, Patrick, Renee, and Nastassia around for our prom night events. Everyone looked really nice but, Stephen was very cute in his penguin suit. It was all good!!! :-)

Now about me. My name is Whitney, people like to call me Whitts, Vitney, or sometimes Roxy. My Birthday is April 21. I'm now a senior at SCHS in Blountville, Tennessee. I play the clarinet in the Cougar Band and I am an Officer (librarian). I'm an only child in my family, thank goodness. I'd say my favorite subjects are Science and German. I'm going to college to major in computers. Maybe even German?!? I love action, comedy, and scary movies... although there aren't many "scary movies" out there. My favorite cars are a BMW Z3, Toyota Celica GTX, and a Honda S2000 or Prelude (I love Hondas!) Anything more to know???

I have alot of crazy friends. Renee, Jesakah, Nastassia, Sarah, Elissa, Megan, Kelly, you know the bunch! Oh yeah, and you can't forget the guys! Patrick, Stephen, Andy . . .
