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Health and Wellness Resources
Enzyme Deficiency Symptoms

Do you get enough enzymes?

open letter to monsanto, dupont, sygenta > Schwab

The most well-known symptoms of enzyme deficiency are indigestion and gas. But did you know that there are a host of other health challenges in which an enzyme-deficient diet can play a role? To understand how one could become enzyme-deficient, a person has to understand that cooked foods have no live, viable enzyme activity left. So many people today eat mostly cooked foods. Even when we eat raw foods, we typically only get the enzymes needed to digest the food itself and supply our body with those nutrients. There are not enzymes left over for taking care of all the other fast foods, fried foods, sugary foods, white flour foods, etc. Add to this the fact that stress depletes enzymes and it becomes easier to see how a person could be enzyme-deficient, even if they regularly eat some raw foods. Age is a factor too because while it is true that our body can make enyzmes, it makes less as we grow older. So what are the symptoms of enzyme deficiency? I'm so glad you asked....

It should go without saying, but in case it does not, that any of these symptoms alone is not a sign of enzyme deficiency. Nor is enzyme supplementation suggested as a treatment here, apart from any needed medical treatment you might need. What we are saying is that if you have these conditions, then an enzyme-deficient diet might be a factor and supplementing with enzymes, in addition to whatever healing regimen you and your health care professional decide upon, could be beneficial

If you are deficient in protease you may experience:hearing concerns, gum disease, restless or fitful sleep, high blood pressure, fungal infection, back pain or weakness, and constipation.

A deficiency of the enzyme amylase may produce the following: Depression or mood swings, PMS in women, allergies, cold feet and hands, aching pain in neck or shoulders, celiac sprue, skin outbreaks, inflammation and blood sugar problems.

If you don't have enough lipase, you could be dealing with:

Gallbladder pain or stones
Bladder problems
Joint pain
Hay fever
Urinary incontinence
Constipation or diahrrea
Heart problems
Feet that ache
Prostate problems

If you happen to be deficient in more than one digestive enzyme, symptoms may include Chronic colds or allergies, bowel disorders such as IBS or diverticulitis, sinus infections, immune system problems or chronic fatique.


More About Enzymes

Enzyme Deficiency
- An enzyme deficiency can manifest itself as a variety of conditions. Presented here is a brief look at causes and symptoms.

Premiere Super-Supplement


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