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Spiritual Workshops for Living an Ever More Spiritually Powerful Life.

open letter to monsanto, dupont, sygenta > Schwab

Part of my spiritual path of awakening has been the sure knowledge that spiritual knowledge must be shared. It does the knower little good to know, if that knowledge cannot help others along the way.

At one time in my life, for a long time in my life, I was fairly active in both teaching and lecturing on spiritual subjects. I also had a full-time healing facilitation and wellness counseling practice. That path ended in 2001, due to an Sacred Initiation that took me six years to integrate.

The Vision in Perculation:

From 2001 to 2007, I wandered in the wilderness of ego and personality death and rebirth. I pursued every dream I've ever had, of a third-dimensional nature. This, I had to do as part of my rebirth process.

As of Feb, 2007, I became a gypsy of sorts. I didn't know when I would once again hang my hat on any particular post.....

I knew that God didn't seem to be done with me, on this long-held idea of going back into service as a healer. At such time as I offer workshops again, this is what I envision....

Small groups, allowing for one-on-one experience involving healing. Those who may feel drawn to this experience will include women who are seeking a new level of healing, an awakening of energy at a new level, or personal healing around core issues. The retreat attendees would stay at my simple home in Alabama. I would offer a variety of services during the weekend, including healing work, infrared treatments, reflexology, dreamwork and counseling.

At the time, I was even thinking I might offer a vegetarian diet but the reality is that my body needs meat. I've come to terms with that. I found organic meats that are from companies that sign affidavits stating they treat their animals humanely and without steriods or antibiotics.

I envision being part of a community, where participants would prepare meals together as part of the fellowship. Our menu would be decided beforehand, and good,healthy food will be available according to our agreed-upon dietary choices.

The Vision Becomes Reality, or so I thought:

In late 2007, I purchased an old health center in rural Alabama. I got busy reflooring and painting and furnishing. I thought this was the time and the space for the vision to unfold. No. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to sell that building and once again relocate. I wandered more in the wilderness, going back to school, working here and there, suffering many months of feeling absolutely lost again. I also became seriously ill from mold poisoning. My Mother died, a devastating experience in every sense of the word. So, this brings us to 2013.

Discovering human design: In 2013, I started to study something called Human Design. I am a real newbie in this, as it is a complex, many-layered set of information and teachings. I am working with the very basic premise, which is that I chose a design that would help me live my best life. I came in with a way of operating that would insure my optimal life experience. The first thing I learned was that I'd been living my life exactly backwards to my design. That's where 2015 finds me. I am learnign what it means to be a 6/3 human design generator. If you are new to human design just google that whole term and you'll find info. You can also get a free chart and find out your own design profile if it interests you.

So, for now this Human Design Generator is about the work of understanding herself. It turns out that I will not have to hold vision if I can just live my design. All that I need for my optimal life will flow to me. That sounds nice!

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