Now introducing Lord Disco of Movie 12

This webring was re-created recently and I'm so glad that I've gotten to do it again. I love the work of Sylvia Plath and there are so many other people who do, too. For so long I've tried to get the web sites dedicated to her to unite together. Now maybe it can finally happen. If you have a page with some content about Ms. Plath, please join. Thanks!

Submit site to For The Love of Sylvia Plath
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Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)

The HTML information will be emailed to you when you are added to the ring. Please don't post the HTML until you are added to the ring.

Here are the graphics I've gotten made so far. If you have any ideas for one, or would like to make one, that would be a good thing. PLEASE copy these for yourself, don't just link them here. It would really suck for all of us if my page crashed.

  • To edit your site information: (URL, site name, password, etc.)
    Enter your Site ID and password below:

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