Welcome to my home on the web. This setting
is how I feel when things are troubling me...
I seek out my favorite of all things... the
water & a book. The peace and tranquility
of hearing the rushing water, and nothing else,
seems to be what soothes me the most. I enjoy
going and just sitting, thinking or not thinking...
I take along a good book along and sit there,
relaxing to the sound of the waves. All in all,
it is the water and it's soothing sounds that
comfort me and help me to get grounded again.
Please come inside to visit my site,
learn more about me and perhaps visit some of
the wonderful links to other's sites, if you
wish. I hope your journey into my "niche" is
enjoyable and interesting. If you would be so
kind... either email me or sign my guestbook,
so that I may know you were here.
May you find some comfort here.... Be

Right Click on the icon to adjust sound.