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Top Man


Top Man has left the building...
Well hello there, I wonder if anyone actually visited this site. Keep in mind that I am writing this text on the 22 may 2000. Anywayz, no one calls me Top Man anymore, they call me GrIMacE, becuase it just suited me. If you need to know the whole story, click Here, or, click here for Arj's version of what's going on. Well, good bye, and rob T, fuck you, I never asked you to visit this site. And to all MM fans out there, you guys rock. It was fun making this site, so many memories, but, I must move on. Later.

The story of Top Man (under construction)

Go here for all pics on Top Man. Everything from is level, to his minions (enemies that Mega Man must face), to Top Man himself.

Click here to try out my test (questions on Mega Man, WWF, Oasis, and Sailor Moon)

Go here for the music.

This place has Top Man passwords.

Click here for hints on how to destroy Top Man (NO!)

If you wanna get through Top Man's level, go here.

Go here to check out all of the links.

Go here for all of the info on how this site was made possible.

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