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Grapette 6oz ACL bottle Grapette 10oz ACL bottle Grapette 7oz Embossed ACL bottle Orangette/Lemonette 10oz Embossed ACL bottle Grapette clown syrup bottle

Since 1939

       Introduced in Camden, Arkansas in 1939, Grapette was created by B. T. Fooks and a group of employees at his bottling plant. Although a late introduction in comparison to so many other sodas, Grapette was an instant success. Other soft drinks were produced by the company in the 40s. These included: Orangette, Lemonette, Botl-O, Sunburst and White Cap. Grapette introduced a glass syrup bottle in the late 40s. The containers were shaped like clowns, elephants and cats. They could be used as penny banks, when empty of the syrup. The concentrated syrup could be mixed at home and came in eight flavors. The product sold through the early 60s.
     The company recruited several popular artists in its advertising campaign. A few of these were pin-up artists, such as Pearl Frush and Zoe Mozert. Others included El Gilchrist and L. M. Simpson. The artwork was used in magazines, newspapers, trolley signs, calendars, posters, outdoor signs, etc.
     By the mid-50s, Grapette was selling in the top list of soft drinks in America. The bottling companies covered most of the country. Mr. Cola was introduced in 1962 to compete with Coca-Cola and in 1963 Lymette was created to compete with 7UP. The two most popular advertising slogans were "Close to Nature", which lasted through 1972, and "Thirsty or Not".
     The Grapette Company was sold to Rheingold Corp in 1972. The Monarch Company from Atlanta GA, bought Grapette in 1979 and still owns domestic rights to Grapette.
     Grapette has gained attention among collectors because of a boom in soft drink collectibles. There are hundreds of items for the collector to search out: lighters, key chains, pencils, matchbooks, cups, hats, bottles, signs, clocks, calendars, mirrors, drink boxes, picnic chests, neon and original artwork, etc. Original bottles were 6oz.

Click HERE for more detailed information on Grapette.

Grapette can be found at The Soda Shop
as well as other soda brands.

Grapette Distributor : Bradonvical, Inc - DixieToyz - Beverage Division
1732 Sherwood Forest, Baton Rough LA 70815  225-273-9793

  • Above First: Grapette Soda Imitation Grape Flavor 6oz ACL "Close to Nature" 1cent deposit
    1939 B. T. Fooks. Mfg. Co. Camden Ark; Rice's Bottling Company, Roanoke, VA
  • Above Second: Grapette 10oz ACL, G-20462 13-
  • Above Third: Grapette, 7oz Embossed ACL, Licensed by The Grapette Company, Camden Ark
    Bottled by Grapette Bottling Co, West Jefferson N.C.
  • Above Fourth: Orangette/Lemonette 10oz Embossed ACL
    The Grapette Company, Inc. Camden, Arkansas, Copr. 1952 TGCO '64
  • Above Fifth: Grapette clown syrup bottle. Clear embossed. Grapette Products Co. Camden Ark
  • Bottom Left: Grapette crowncaps, including a Orangette and a Cherryette.
  • Bottom Right: Grapette 3-D sign. (Signed Pearl Frush) 15" X 19 1/2"
Grapette crowncaps
Grapette 3-D sign
grapette-cooler.jpg (79239 bytes) grapette-therm.jpg (142532 bytes)
Grapette "repro" cooler Grapette "novelty" thermometer

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