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Welcome to the newly improved Tennessee Titan Tribute site . This site is always changing so be sure to check back often . I have tried to gather as much info as possible to make this an enjoyable site for everyone . Be sure to awnser our poll so I can better determine what to add and what to can wait to be added . If you have any suggestion's please E-mail me them I would like to here from the viewers of the site as much as possible . For easier navigation I have added a new drop down feature to go strait were you want to but if you perfer to view the site the traditional way just hit the enter button and go on in . Once again welcome and thanks for viewing the site . C-Shelton

To go to a specific area in this site please use the drop down window or click on the enter button at the bottom of page. .

*NEW*Please fill out or new poll
so we can provide a better website
for you to enjoy .
Remember every vote counts!

Recomend this site .
get this gear!

I have recently teamed up with E-Groups to provide one of the best Titans Online discussion groups . Only members can acsess this group so join today , we are up to 50 members and always have something interesting to discuss come on and join us.

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Disclaimer : This site is an unofficial fan site all emblems or photograph that are represented on this page are the sole property of the Tennessee Titans or the National Footbal Leauge unless otherwise noted . All ideas or opinions expressed are that of the author . If for some reason any of these organizations feel there is misrepresentaion please notify my and they will promptly be removed.