Chase, you are our second gift from
up above!! How could Granny & Pappa get so lucky? You are your own
special person, that's for sure! :o) You have sure kept us all on our toes
since you arrived! You are into everything, but one smile from those
beautiful dark eyes melts my heart! And you know it, too! :o) You've
waited patiently for your own page, so Sweetie, this one's for you!!! We
love you sooo much!!! |
Well, Chaser, I hope you like your
page. Granny & Pappa love you, Baby!! You're 4 yrs. old now &
getting bigger every day!! Time is flying, & my baby is growing up!
:o( But, you will always be Granny's little boy with the beautiful dark
sparkling eyes full of mischief! I'll always treasure all the times that
you say, "Ganny, I just love you sooo much!" Now that makes me the richest
Granny around!!! To hear my little Sunshine say my favorite
phrase, Just stop the bottom button & click on the top
Turn off the one below & Click on the one above