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Angel Ann

Just Daddy And Me



My daddy and I are
all alone right now,
getting on with life the
best we know how.
We miss Mommie so very
very much you see,
I only wish she was here
with Daddy and me.
Daddy gazes into my eyes,
wishing what can't be,
I know it is Mommie in there,
he's trying to see.
We're so very lonesome and
as sad as sad can be,
since my dear sweet mommie
left Daddy and me.
At times I see a tiny
tear sparkle in his eye,
as he holds me close and
tries hard not to cry.
I hear him sobbing softly
in the dark of night,
when he thinks he is all
alone and out of sight.
When my daddy takes me
to visit my mommie now, he
tells her we'll get along
without her somehow.
You see, Mommie is with the
angels in heaven above,
forever watching over us
while sending down her love.
Mommie didn't choose to
leave us, but God had a plan,
tho' we don't understand,
we'll accept it the best we can.
Life now without my mommie is
very hard to foresee,
but now we know it will have
to be.. just Daddy and me.

Written By:

Lois L. Guffy © 9/08/01
All Rights Reserved

This beautiful poem was written by a good friend of mine.
She wrote the poem for her son, Kent, and granddaughter,
Kathlyn Lois. Kent lost Ann, his beautiful wife, and Kathlyn
lost her precious mother soon after she was born. Above photo was taken 8/30/2001. To see Ann's Memory Page, just click the underlined.

**In Loving Memory of Ann Guffy**

To write Lois, just click on the mail button below.

Lois, thank you for allowing me to use this poem, which touched my heart deeply.


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This is a separate Guestbook, just for The Guffy Family. If you are leaving comments for "Granny's World, please go to another page to sign the Guestbook. Thank you!


Lois received this award from Elaine!
Elaine, thank you for this prestigious award for my poem, "Just Daddy And Me". I am honored!!

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Lois received this award from Auradora!
Thank you so much for this award! I am deeply honored!




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Created 10/10/2001~Updated November 19, 2002