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Maryville/Alcoa Jaycees

Jaycees are an association of young people between the ages of 21 & 39 who enjoy family fun, experience, personal growth, and provide important community services.

Total Jaycee Concept

Better people using proven management techniques can provide more services for their community and it all starts with you.


President: Paul Ottinger

Past President: Patrick Tate

Internal Vice President: Dan Smith

Community Development Vice President: Scotty Phillips

Membership Development Vice President: Vernon Petree

Secretary/Treasurer: Sally Fox

State Director: Timmy Hitch

Directors: Amos Turbyfill

State President, Tennessee Jaycees Lon Fox

(Charter President of the Maryville/Alcoa Jaycees)

Vice President of Membership Development, Jared W. Smith

(Past President of Maryville/Alcoa Jaycees)

Meeting Nights

First and Fourth Tuesday (General Meetings)

Second Tuesday (Committee Meeting)

Family Social Events (One a Month)

Meeting Place located on Wrights Road next to the Pantry in Alcoa Tennessee(share building with Bible Baptist Church)

Community Involvement

Empty Pantry Fund (1200 families / 1200 baskets of food)

More information Contact Daily Times or Email us

Easter Egg Hunt at Springbrook Park (Saturday before Easter begin at Noon) Easter Games, Food, Entertainment & Fun

Easter Kids Parade at Springbrook Park (Saturday before Easter begins at 11:00 a.m.)

NBA 2ball competition (Boys & Girls 8 to 11 coming again this winter)

"Punt/Pass/Kick" (Jaycees will be working with "Punt/Pass/Kick" to provide a local cometition this Fall)

15-16 Year Old Competitive Baseball Tournament (Held at Maryville college June 15 -17th)

Fundraising Camp Discovery already raised 300 dollars Mission Inn (2 Gospel Singings) raised 700 dollars St. Jude Hospital raised over 400 dollars

Youth Model Legislature - Experience the law making process: 11 different middle schools: Over 60 students participating in the program: Educational Field Trip (Nashville,TN)

Alcoa Jayteens (only chapter in Tennessee)

Jaycees Against Youth Smoking (JAYS program) 5 Day Curriculum provided "Free" to any and all schools in the state of Tennessee.

Family Talk about teenage drinking parent guides Available to anyone in the Blount County Area - they are "free"

Jaycees Christmas Parade (1st Saturday of December) Theme: Christmas Dreams

Jaycees Haunted House Held in October of each year! Dare to be scared at the Jaycee Haunted House.

Management Development

Chairman's Planning Guide (Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation)

Career Advancement Training Module

Value Investment Training Module

Business Opportunities Training Modules

Personal Development

Teamwork through Art (team building program)

Spirtual Significance of the Jaycee Creed

Communication & Leadership Dynamics

Stress & Time Management

Leadership Development

Training through Application & Experience

We gain experience through providing the projects in our community.

Jaycee Links

Jaycees Creed
Daily Times
Empty Pantry Stories
US Jaycees Homepage
Tennessee Jaycees Home Page
Camp Discovery
Jaycees Application
Maryville/Alcoa Empty Pantry Fund
Other Jaycee Links

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