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Aunt Scarey Log

Primitive, Survival & Wilderness Living Skills conducted in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of southwestern North Carolina and southeastern Tennessee.

A true survival situation is not planned or expected and can be life threatening. You can find yourself in a survival situation in an urban or rural location. Natural or man made catastrophic disasters can threaten the safety of yourself and your family and may require you to relocate to a remote area for survival. People who are at great risk are hunters, hikers, backpackers and outdoor enthusiasts who are unprepared to handle an emergency situation in the wilderness.

We are not a typical wilderness survival school or seminar that offers classroom discussions. All training is done in the field. You will be camping outdoors in very primitive surroundings in any kind of weather. There is no electricity, modern toilet facilities, hot showers, nor any of the comforts of home. If you have to have commercially made toilet paper to wipe with, you may want to reconsider taking this class. And there is no McDonalds near here either. Fast food is a fond thought left for a better time to enjoy. LOL. You have the stuff to make it? Perhaps.


Some of the skills that you will learn are various techniques used by ancient Native Americans who used natural resources to live in a primitive environment.

Participants will learn important skills that could help prevent a life threatening situation and also help them build a greater sense of confidence in the wilderness.

*Specialized training is also available upon request. Please inquire if you would like extensive training in this area. We can advise an associate who can further train you for extreme survival.


A backpack, blanket(s) or sleeping bag, a rain poncho, a knife, a compass, some additional clothing, comfortable hiking boots, magnifying glass, flashlights and extra batteries (for emergencies only), prescribed medicines that are taken on a regular basis, food, tent or tarp, cooking utensils and a water bottle or two. Weapons are not permitted unless you want to incorporate hunting during open hunting seasons.

A signed waiver is required.

We can customize the training to your needs or specific interests.

Survival Training Schedule, 2002 - Please email for availability.

DDates are available from April  1 to August 15th for non-hunting participants. September - January 1 reserved especially for participants who want to incorporate hunting with their class.

Training can include but not limited to:

*Finding shelter; building a debris> *Finding water source; wild edibles.
**Fire building techniques; wild plant identification for food and medicine.
*Making utensils, primitive cooking> *Primitive weapons; fishing, hunting, tracking and game preparation.
*Food preservation.
*Wilderness First Aid - handling emergency situations.
*GPS, Map, Compass.
**Dealing with stress, setting priorities.

A signed waiver is required.

Group size is limited to a maximum of 6 participants. Special arrangements can be made for larger groups. Moderate physical activity is required as you will be hiking in wooded mountainous terrain.

Little known fact....Aunt Scarey letters rearranged spell out Sanctuary. A sanctuary can be anywhere safe for you. Think about it.
"Unicoi Mtn.
North Craolina"

Coker Creek, TN - Telephone 423-261-2039 or 423-261-2112, or cell 423-244-1931 ask for Marie or leave message.

Email Handbox
Email: Aunt Scarey